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Depends on speed confused.gif, If it appeared at 80 mph then no contest let the abs, tc and stability controls do there job 169144-ok.gif.

If I was going slow enough to see it, I'd try and do a near silent 25 mph cruise past the beast.

I think car power, rather than a need for controls would be the paramount requirement the_finger.gif.

If all else fails I'd get one of the kids to go and give it an apple ROLLEY~14.GIFEEK2.GIFgrin.gif

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I'd rely on my car's excellent ESP controls and think fast!.

Friends of mine run this Bison farm in Wiltshire: web page. I was only there the weekend before last and my fridge is currently well stocked with Bison meat. I've been going to that farm for 12 years and can tell you, if it's not already obvious, that you don't mess with Bison. They are usually very docile but can move as quickly and suddenly as a deer. You don't mess with Moose either!

An SUV ain't gonna help you much - You'd need your windscreen at least caged up very heavily.

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