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fault codes


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It sounds like you may have one of the airbag modules that is known to be prone to failing - the 65535 fault code is the clue.

I'd check the connector to your ABS module - it's complaining about intermittent out-of-spec signals from many different sources. Unmate the connector, clean the contacts in both the plug and socket if you can, and put it back together. Then clear the codes and re-check. Worth a try...

Has the generator been replaced with a slightly different part? The fault code suggests that there is an open-circuit in the DF signal from the alternator, so perhaps the replacement doesn't generate a DF signal?

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hmmm ... they replaced some part of alternator but i don't know exactly the name of that part frown.gif

Before the alternator dies everything (besides ABS) was ok. And someday i was driving my car and then the red warning led from handbreak switched on and airbag and abs also. After that my accumulator led and "candle" led start flashing and my engine splutters.

After that one electrician repaired by alternator and sad that now i have to clear the abs and airbag codes and led will turn off. And that's the story smile.gif

Where can i find the connector to ABS module or how can i check if the alternator is correct repaired (DF signal ?) ?

Thanks for your help

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your airbag codes are basically the same as i had.

earlier in the thread this was posted to me. so your trouble with your alternator may have caused the 65535 code with the airbag module. I changed my module and the other fault went with it. beerchug.gif


One of the "famous" Airbag Generation 8 modules. We've seen issues like that in the past and there is usually only one way to get rid of that - buy a new control module. At least according to what we have seen, it seems that these faults are caused by under voltage at cold starts and/or by starting the car up after a dead battery.

As mentioned by others before, fix the normal airbag fault and try to clear codes but I doubt you'll get rid of the 65535. If you need to replace the control module get a new one, Audi has replaced the 8L0-959-655-G with an 8L0-959-655-L, which has updated hardware and software.

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