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GTI has gone - nearly


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Need I say more 169144-ok.gif

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Not really, the great motoring press that audi always recieves tongue.gif says it all really. grin.gifcoffee.gif

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experience's have shown me thatg Audi are a lot better, thats all I am saying UHOH7.GIF

VW just dont have the quality of Audi, they are the poor relative!

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Need I say more 169144-ok.gif

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Not really, the great motoring press that audi always recieves tongue.gif says it all really. grin.gifcoffee.gif

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experience's have shown me thatg Audi are a lot better, thats all I am saying UHOH7.GIF

VW just dont have the quality of Audi, they are the poor relative!

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Audi outshine VW in every area except on the GTI, the A3 doesn't come close as a drivers car. S3 might change things though... lets hope so hey! 169144-ok.gif

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But then there was the famous quote from the head of VAG as reported in the FT last year


Bernd Pischetsrieder, the cigar-smoking head of Germany's Volkswagen, steered perilously close to a Ratner moment yesterday when he dismissed cars made by Audi, his company's most profitable division, as a "complete waste of money".

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fingers crossed!!!

I like the pics of the new S3 and if it really is 27k or thereabouts, it could be a great buy 169144-ok.gif I may even look into one myself grin.gif

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Got to say...if it's £27k (which is probably the minimum) then I'd rather have a GTi.

I think the new S3 looks okay, but nothing special - it doesn't sound like a specacular performer from the stats and I'd be tempted to save my money and have a car that does 99% the same for a lot less money.

Then again, I think the A3 is positively ugly and out of proportion anyway.

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Then again, I think the A3 is positively ugly and out of proportion anyway.

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....You've just said what I have always thought but been 'afraid' to say, given the number of Audiphiles on TSN.

I'll reserve my judgement on the new S3 though regarding its performance and drive.


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Well it's just my opinion. Many hate the 1-series, but I think it looks a hell of a lot better than the A3 and actually like the baby BMW.

The interior of the Audi is better - but it's a car, not a lounge.

The thing is though, we each buy cars because they're our personal choice, so as long as we're happy with what we've chosen then who cares. I don't mean to offend any A3 owners because ultimately they've bought a quality car that is much better than most others out there.

All too often we minimise the quality of cars on TSN - when 99% of them are in league the average motorist can only dream of.

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The interior of the Audi is better - but it's a car, not a lounge.

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....I do wish some people on the roads wouldn't drive as if they were couch-potato slobs at home in their lounge. Hot weather brings out the dangling arm (often casually chucking a still-lit fag end into the dry roadside undergrowth! Fingers tapping on the roof to their loud in-car music while other hand at 5past1 on the steering wheel is another one. openfire.gif[/rant]

169144-ok.gif Absolutely right in what you say about personal choices 169144-ok.gif.

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The interior of the Audi is better - but it's a car, not a lounge.

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....I do wish some people on the roads wouldn't drive as if they were couch-potato slobs at home in their lounge. Hot weather brings out the dangling arm (often casually chucking a still-lit fag end into the dry roadside undergrowth! Fingers tapping on the roof to their loud in-car music while other hand at 5past1 on the steering wheel is another one. openfire.gif[/rant]

169144-ok.gif Absolutely right in what you say about personal choices 169144-ok.gif.

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One hand tapping the roof while the other is at 5 past 1 on the wheel. They must have their left hand on the wheel at 5 past 1 then. That or they have bloody long arms. 169144-ok.gif

Or could it be left hand drive. sekret.gif

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Well it has been done. The GTI has been traded in (for what I consider to be a very good price at 17800) for an S4 Avant. Should take delivery towards the end of this week.

It is an July 04 reg so 2 and a bit years

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169144-ok.gif You got around what i was thinging you may get too 169144-ok.gif

(£17800 - allowence of sticker price £500->£1000).

So not bad deal.

Avant is a great family car imo enjoy. cool.giflaugh.gif

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