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Smoking Quezzie #2...


My feelings on the death penalty:  

  1. 1. My feelings on the death penalty:

    • Approve of it in some particular circumstances
    • Disapprove because the person *may* be innocent and can't risk it
    • Disapprove because it's the "easy way out" and they should be made to pay the penalty by rotting in prison
    • Disapprove because what gives us the right to take their life, regardless of the crime they committed?
    • Disapprove for another reason [please comment]

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As a non smoker, I don't get why people do it. It seems a ridiculous way to throw away money and shorten your life I'm not preaching - I just don't understand it.

Plus I see many smokers throw fags, buts, packets, cellophane out the window etc as though it's perfectly acceptable. It isn't! Why are they so inconsiderate to everyone else's space?

All this crap at the moment about banning smoking in pubs being wrong as they should have a choice. Well lets ban it for as a test period. How about as long as the non-smokers have had a choice so far? What's that about 200 years or more?


Cough. Ahem. Sorry about that. I saw a smoker littering earlier and it really bugs me! mad.gif

p.s. When I was on a train one day with a mate, I said I'd drop him home from the station. Before we left the train I told him that if he lit up before we got to the car he wouldn't be welcome to the lift due to the stink. He was definitely more embarrassed about being told this than I was telling him.

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As a non smoker, I don't get why people do it. It seems a ridiculous way to throw away money and shorten your life I'm not preaching - I just don't understand it.

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I think a lot of smokers would agree with you but, if you've never smoked, it can be hard to understand how immensely addictive it is. If you enjoy it as well, it becomes even harder to give up. It took me loads of tries to stop and I didn't even particularly liked the taste, just feeding the habit.

The other problem is that the health problems are all in the future so less threatening (and everyone has a friend of a friend of a friend who smoked 60 a day and lived to be 128). Its like fatty food - one more MacDonalds won't make much difference...

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No it's not the smoking that's addictive - The addiction is only in your mindset.

Both my father and myself (at different times) gave up smoking overnight and neither of us went back to it, not even once. I gave up drink, and 'illegal' substances, exactly the same way. I'm still working on giving up sex grin.gif.

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i know lots of people who just gave up overnight, my husband did almost 10 years ago, but in his case it was the fact he had cancer so it scared him into it, now alot will think i'm stupid but i carried on, but it always happens to someone else, for me its more a routine and i did like it, but i have tried lots of times to kick it.

this time i really am going to never have another 169144-ok.gif

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JamesB - If tobacco is so addictive then how come people can give it up? I still think it's mind driven. Mind over matter.

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Well, I guess that depends on your definition of addiction. Addiction can be overcome but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If you believe that an addiction is something that can't be overcome by one means or another, then try naming something that is addictive.

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i know lots of people who just gave up overnight

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My Dad gave up overnight after his own father died of heart disease in 1981. Fourteen years later he watched while his mother died from a stroke. Both were habitual smokers since their teens.

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Hmmm, interesting discussion. I'm a social smoker (if indeed there is such a thing, filthy habit and all) basically, if I have a beer a fag folllows shortly after - no beer no fags. My GF is a proper chimney bless her, today we met for lunch at a nice restraunt (during the day therefore no beer for me), the food took a while due the meals that we ordered apparently, it was a non smoking resteraunt, and whilst waiting for the food to arrive the GF said that she was going to go out for a fag! My response was, surely you can wait until we leave, the roof is down, I'll let you smoke in the car on the way back to work, but please don't leave the table to stand outside by the window looking in at me sat here. (FYI smoking is a total no no in the car).

So I guess the answer to the original question is, it all depends on the situation. The classic, "what's in it for me" scenario.

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JamesB - If tobacco is so addictive then how come people can give it up? I still think it's mind driven. Mind over matter.

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Well, I guess that depends on your definition of addiction. Addiction can be overcome but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If you believe that an addiction is something that can't be overcome by one means or another, then try naming something that is addictive.

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....Yes, I thought exactly that about the definition of addiction after I posted. Nothing is absolutely addictive in my view - It's all down to the willingness of the individual to allow themselves to be slaves to a habit. Heroin is probably one of the most difficult to resist but I've known one or two people who have survived it - just!

I think you and I, JamesB, are probably agreeing - Addiction exists as a habit.

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No, I'm not agreeing with you. You're wrong. grin.gif

More seriously, yes, I think habit is a large part of addiction but there is also a chemical basis. Either can potentially be overcome but it can be very hard in susceptible individuals. I'm aware I have quite an addictive personality - I still crave cigarettes quite frequently even though I gave up years ago and have probably teetered on the brink of alcoholism a couple of times if I'm totally honest with myself.

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No, I'm not agreeing with you. You're wrong. grin.gif

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....And I'm now very confused! confused.gif


More seriously, yes, I think habit is a large part of addiction but there is also a chemical basis. Either can potentially be overcome but it can be very hard in susceptible individuals. I'm aware I have quite an addictive personality - I still crave cigarettes quite frequently even though I gave up years ago and have probably teetered on the brink of alcoholism a couple of times if I'm totally honest with myself.

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....That's what I'm trying to say - The 'addiction' is in the person more than it is in the substance consumed. Not that certain substances don't greatly encourage 'addiction'. You can be addicted to sucking sweets or having sex....Here we go! grin.gif

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I answered that I'd stop the car every so often to let them smoke if they really needed to. I have to admit I am a bit of an anti-smoker. ROLLEY~14.GIF I used to smoke a lot, gave up for 9 years, then started again when I started dating someone who smoked a lot, then stopped again and haven't touched one since then (some 4 years ago). I find the whole taste and smell of them is now physically sick making to me - I had a drag of one a couple of weeks back as an experiment and nearly vomited instantly. Flush.gif I see this as good as I'll never go back to smoking. 169144-ok.gif

I always said I'd never date anyone who smoked. Funny that life isn't always that simple. ROLLEY~14.GIF But I can't say I will ever like it again. Plus the health issues - my Dad smoked 40 a day for most of his life. He died after a series of mini strokes and one huge one. He stopped smoking 6 years before the major stroke but the damage was done. frown.gif I don;t want to see people I care about end up like that.

Addiction to TSN - now thats totally different! jump.gif

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I always said I'd never date anyone who smoked. Funny that life isn't always that simple. ROLLEY~14.GIF

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....That's it - If you happen to truly fall in love/lust for someone, smoking might not be quite the big issue you expected it to be. As you know, life ain't always black and white. Though they say that it's only women who see all the greys in things grin.gif


Addiction to TSN - now thats totally different!

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...You too, huh? What can we do? grin.gif I just past my 10,000th post tonight!


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