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Pressure drop between turbo and throttle valve?


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Hi all,

The golf is a bit hesistant on acceleration, and I got the following from vag-com:

2 Faults Found:

17536 - Fuel Trim: Bank 1 (Mult): System too Lean

P1128 - 35-00 - -

17705 - Pressure drop between turbo and throttle valve (check DV)

P1297 - 35-10 - Intermittent

can anyone suggest a possible fault, or even explain what the DV is?! smashfreakB.gif

car is Golf 1.8T 2001 with about 63k, recently had new cam belt, water pump and turbo pressure valve

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Clear the faults see if they come back after a few days.

if you have already replaced the DV. (if this is what you mean by turbo pressure valve) then i should hope that one is an old one and will go away.

Too lean is not enough fuel.

could be either, a faulty maf (mass air flow sensor in the exit of the air box lid) sodding up the fueling to wrong air flows (most likely)

or a less likely lamda sensor giving the wrong measurements.

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I cleared the faults on Saturday afternoon and they had returned by Sunday (within 150 miles). I had suspected a faulty MAF, they seem to be a common problem, but is there any way to check the MAF before buying a new one?

Also is this something I can do myself or is it best left to a mechanic?

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if you have already replaced the DV. (if this is what you mean by turbo pressure valve) then i should hope that one is an old one and will go away.

[/ QUOTE ]

I (well VW) replaced the Boost Pressure Control Valve earlier this year after getting the fault [17608 - Boost Pressure Control Valve (N249): Mechanical Malfunction] but I assume this isn't related to the new fault?

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N249 controls the DV.

so it may be best to replace the DV, they are about £15 from vagparts.com, at the very least have a look over the pipes for leaks/splits loose pipes.

Maf can be diagnosed by vagcom, by logging, but only if your familiar with the figures it should be presenting.

Audi charge about £80 for a service exchange maf.

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I've cleaned the MAF now and checked the readings using VAG, and now believe the problem is caused by a VAC leak somewhere.

I've checked the hoses I can see for leaks, and have only found one possibility (see pic below) but it doesn't look like it's wide enough to cause any problems.

Could anyone indicate on the pics where I should be looking for a leak please?



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