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Passat Central Locking


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  • 2 weeks later...


It is a 02 1.9 Tdi 130 Estate. It seems that something has been reset, as previously on the first press of the button, the driver's door would unlock, and then on the second press the other doors would unlock. Since the flat battery pressing it once opens the driver's door, and then the others only opene when using the button on the driver's arm rest

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Had my 52 Sport 130 TDi Passat VAGCOM'd in the summer. Showed various faults inc airbag which was fixed by buying a new battery to replace the original. Oddly though the old battery still showed the 'green' eye indicating a good battery and a voltage test showed well over 12.5 volts.

I still have the battery and although it hasn't been charged for several months it still shows 12.49 volts but the green eye is no longer lit. Don't quite know what that tells us other than VW electronics are too clever by half and we ignore them at our peril.

Anyone know if those plug in fault code readers that give either a fault code only or those that plug into a laptop such as those marketed by www.gendan.co.uk are worth having?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good god - I was just about to start a topic on this...

On Thursday while in France I stupidly left the fridge we have plugged in overnight without engaging the battery safe feature it has.

Result - next morning flat battery, had to open door with key.

Now the button to open and lock the doors on the drivers door panel doesn't seem to work, and the button below the seatbelt to deactivate the alarm isn't lit.

Am I looking at a blown fuse or a sorting out with a VAGCOM??? Its a bog standard 2004 2.0 20V Estate.

If its a fuse, which ones should I check - I had a quick look in France at the book but was being pressured by SWMBO to get to the shops to load up before the ferry on Saturday!!

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