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Audi S8 - Oh Yeah Baby...


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Thanks guys... blush.gifnotworthy.gif

And yezz I'm having a fair amount of joy driving it grin.gifjump.gif (when I'm not being flashed that is) smashfreakB.gif

And snez, some myths have at least a part of truth in them, and the black ones do tend to look bigger, don't they? But then again, it depends what you compare it to I guess... grin.gif

Oh, and while we're on the subject I know for a fact the other myth is NOT true (and I kinda dig guns too). smirk.gifyelrotflmao.gifjump.gif

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Well, the previous owner wanted a 'stealth' look, so - almost - nobody would notice it's an S8. Therefore he especially ordered it like this (and payed extra for it I believe). The only 'give-aways' on the outside are the wheels, exhaust and the lowered suspension. sekret.gif

I kind of like that too, because I don't need the extra attention either, and on the big S8 the painted mirrors look okay as well I think, and the GF likes them even better than the alu ones. (They are retracted in the pic, that’s why they look a bit odd).

The dealer made me an offer for an alu set below price, but they still cost half a kidney... (you gotta love the dealers, for all I know these might be the mirrors they took off for the prev. owner - at a price - and now try to sell back to me - and make another profit) grin.gif

Anyway, I'm still pondering on it, but first thing I buy will be a good radar detector. That costs plenty too, and is MUCH more important here, so... crazy.gif

I'm afraid to put S8 badges on, since my experience with Porsche badges being stolen numerous times, usually with a sickening amount of damage to the paintjob. mad.gif

But I don’t care that much about the badges, what matters is that I know it's an S8 (and the real car enthusiasts). In fact it's amazing how many people still recognize it as an S8, I didn’t expect that… cool.gif

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Well as long as ur happy with then it doesnt about what others say. Probably a bit more ideal having the stealth look especially when u blow away exotic sports cars whome the owners think they are the fastest thing since kentucky fried chicken .

How about a big Max Power spoiler then ?? yelrotflmao.gif

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Hehe, yeah right... fuck_scott.gif

I saw one in the Tzech Rep. with HUGE spoilers, skirts, four cola-can sized exhausts and these half taped windows they always have for some strange reason...

It actually had a kinda nice rear screen spoiler (if you're into that style). In a strange way it looked okay, in a bad-boys sorta way... FIREdevil.gif

But I'll stick to the stealth look for now... grin.gif

Regarding unsuspecting drivers, I read this on the net a while ago, thought it was pretty funny... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif


Raced Audi S8, and...

This aspen silver kind of looking audi S8 and my 98 740il (stock) were stopped at the traffic lights side by side near the Chinatown in Boston. A very young guy was driving the S8 and his windows were all open. We both looked at each other and I complimented his car. He nodded his head w/ a simple word, "Yeah, man", and he had a look on his face that he could kick my butt in any second. Well, I knew he didn't even consider me as his competitor, but I didn't like his attitude, so I put my gear into sports mode (but kept DSC on) and slightly pressed accelarator. Once the light turned green, we both floored our cars, and boy, my 7 didn't start too bad. After 1/10 mile, the road soon led us to Mass Pike entrance, and it merged into one lane. His car (who was abt half car length ahead of me) cut me right off from left hand side) and as soon as we were on the highway, my persistent chase began. It was 8 in the morning on Sunday, and there was hardly any car on the highway. Up to 70-75 miles, I was right behind his tail and I felt pretty good that I may have a decent chance to catch up w/ him. Nevertheless, when I reached 80 miles and moved onto the other lane to pass him, I heard a powerful exhaust tone from his car, and oh, well..., it just flew... We were three car length apart from each other and the distance wouldn't narrow, but departed even further. Then, I just gave up!! Well..., his car disappeared from my sight within couple seconds, and I slowed down. I could picture him smiling wide open, and belittle my car.

[/ QUOTE ]


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Begins with an A ends at dam(n) and has canals, a red light district & mucho coffeeshops... grin.gif

And yeah, I liked that story a lot... grin.gif Always loved that stealth thing. Reminds me of a Bedford van with a Rover V8 in it we had ages ago.... Tuned on top, a tiny bit lowered, better brakes and alu wheels, the rest pretty std. (outside that is - inside was a different story) grin.gif

You should have seen the faces of some sportscar drivers... EEK2.GIF priceless... yelrotflmao.gif

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Soon mate, I'll send you a PM (or vice versa). Right now I've got some issues though... crazy.gif after that, anytime! beerchug.gif

Them bikes, yeah, they drive me crazy too. Every night and day they come clanging and rattling by, or worse - parking the damned things. Hardly any noise from cars here but them bikes... esp. at the weekend - at night - when they're drunk and add some shouting to the clanging, or they're screeming into some f'n mobile. I hate the feckers, but they got all the rights too (thanks to the greenies & reds). It wouldn't surprise me if they run into my car and I end up paying them, since they are "the weaker traffic participants". Bloody terrorists is more like it! rocketwhore.gif

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