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#16 in action to give a nice reflective wet look


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Hello Guys!!

I know alot of people want to know what products create what looks. Here i have used a final layer of Megs #16 to which is a long lasting product to produce wet relfective look which will last.

This combo gives alot less metalic pop then say using RMG + Nattys.

Images are straight up off the camera resized to 800x600, the wheels have been cropped to show the tyre + wheel i guess i will head back to Endurance!!

What has been used:

Washed with CG Extreme Wash n Wax

SSR2 - Cyclo

AutoGlym SRP - Cyclo

Megs #16

Glass got Autoglym Glass Polish

Plastics got Autoglym Bumper Care

Tyres got 1Z Tire Foam "Reifenschaum"

Wheels dressed with CG InstaWax

The Reifenschaum foam was strange, see wheel pic. i scrubed the tyres but i think the Megs. Endurance High Gloss was still about in places. The Reifenschaum is suppose to clean and protect to a matt finish which has done for about 80% of the tyres.

Anyway!! Please enjoy. Comments welcome.

As a side note the green car you can see in the pics got: PPCL -->> CG EZ Glaze -->> #16.












Wheels look nice, tyres the foam dident work out. First time with 1Z tyre foam.


Many Thanks for looking. The car is 2-3 month old Honda Jazz (Fit), in light met. blue.

Not quite a TSN'er but just to give you a guys a taste of what products can do!! Just the 530d and that big ole pick up left.


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Was wondering what #16 was too... Looked up megs site..

#16 Paste Wax

* A special blend of exotic waxes

* Provides exceptionally durable, long-lasting protection to cleaned and polished paint

311g - £12.10

One question was this applied by hand or can it be popped out of the tin to apply with a PC ?

Gracking looking finish on that Jazz BTW 169144-ok.gif

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Number plate adjusted, missed it at the start and still dident understand which one even after you mentioned it SKA.

#16 can probably be applied by machine, i have a Cyclo which is like 2 PC's melted together and i havent tried it. I would guess a finishing pad + low speed.

I like to apply waxes by hand though!! The #16 can be tipped out the tin so you shouldent have any issues there.


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