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Wheres the cabrio mafioso!?


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Hey Ari, feel a little guilty of late but yep, have a new job! Well not started yet but trying to wind everything up here and then I'll be even less on the board than now! Will keep an eye on things but will catch up every now and then! Don't worry, have not sold my cab! After this weekend, another fine one, it was absolutely luvly. Driving round the docklands and getting mixed readings on the temp gauge... anywhere between 25 degrees and 32, but don't think it was 32 thou ECLIPSe.gifjump.gif

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Hi Ari, I'm told you are the leader of this mafiaso and your the man i need to see (new cab arriving soon)

If you need any pimping, drug dealing, drivebys rocketwhore.gif or general things that other people should be scared of then let me know.

Other than that i'm up for any cab meets (should manage anywhere in country with notice) beerchug.gifbeerchug.gif

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