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Name and shame - VW dealers to avoid


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With my dispute rumbling on and many more stories of shocking customer service coming to light, i would like to start a list of VW dealerships to avoid at all costs. Many potential VW buyers use this site so thought it would be a good guide as to who to avoid. Please quote and add your dealership from hell 169144-ok.gif

Hull VW (Priory Park)

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Breeze VW in Poole, have been shocking, orginally told me my engine rattle was a charateristic of the .:R then the engine went bang on the motorway ROLLEY~14.GIF tho have been okish since i got some legal advice, but i will see how there are this week when they deal with my rear diff issue UHOH7.GIF

Caffyns group in sussex, quite frankly useless.

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The word LIBEL springs to mind here jump.gif

Well, I'm going to post something positive - Stanwell VW in Boston have been very good to me. They soon found out about the 6463 update & all the other regular faults with R32s when I gave them a little list at my last service there.


Unlike a certain dealer in Spalding who didn't want the work...

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South Hereford Garage - told me i had to wait 3 weeks for a c/car to fix the rear wiper!!! Staff don't care and the sales man was so annoying it's untrue

Startin Honda Worcester on the other hand are the top's friendly staff always remember me and the wife by our first names, mind you I have just bought a 3rd car from them in 3 years. The MD even comes and collects the car's at service times and drops off a C/car as the dealer is 30 miles away - all at no extra cost! VW could take a leaf out of there book!!

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The words 'Martins VW' and 'Basingstoke' spring to mind...many good reasons which I can't be bothered to detail this time of the evening coffee.gifZZZ.gif

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I'll second that, only dealt with thier body shop though and its been there twice for warrenty work on the paint, still not happy and still in talks with VW UK about it.

The second time I picked my car up from there the manager told me that the job was ok, I replied " that doesn't sound to promising" he replied "well it is only a car" EEK2.GIF

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Wouldn't this thread work better if in the style of a meets list? - Copy and paste and add accordingly:


Hull VW (Priory Park)

Hertiage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading


Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

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Hertiage of Bristol (very bad), but DONT confuse it with its sister branch - Hertiage of Weston (at least u get a friendly smile with them - everytime)

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I've never heard of Hertiage (ROLLEY~14.GIF), but I had no problems with Heritage when I had my .:R serviced 2 weeks agao. In fact it was one of the most pleasent and efficient experiences I've had at a dealer(their service dept at least) for a LONG time!

You try going over the road to the useless shower of C*nts at Dovercourt Audi! Then you'll know what bad service is!


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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Hertiage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick


Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Hertiage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick (2 votes)


Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

Driftbridge, Epsom

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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Hertiage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick (2 votes)

Chiswick VW (utter dung.gif)

VW Technical (in its entirety)


Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

Driftbridge, Epsom

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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Hertiage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick (2 votes)

Chiswick VW (utter )

VW Technical (in its entirety)


Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

Driftbridge, Epsom

Ridgeway Newbury

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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Heritage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick (2 votes)

Chiswick VW (utter )

VW Technical (in its entirety)


Heritage, Bristol

Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

Driftbridge, Epsom

Ridgeway Newbury

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Hull VW (Priory Park)

Heritage, Bristol

Breeze, Poole

Caffyn Group, Sussex

Abridge, Loughton

Beadles, Bromley

Martins, Basingstoke

South Hereford Garage

Ridgeway, Reading

Sidlow, Gatwick (2 votes)

Chiswick VW (utter )

VW Technical (in its entirety)

Richard Alexander, Huddersfield


Heritage, Bristol

Loders, Dorchester (2 votes)

Stanwell, Boston

Caffyns, Haywards Heath (but not for jimmy_p)

Driftbridge, Epsom

Ridgeway Newbury

Gilbert Lawton, Manchester

Hayselden, Barnsley

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