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Bose Wave and alternatives


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Our radio alarm clock is on its way out and was thinking of going the Bose route to replace it.

Was having problems justifying £300 for a radio alarm clock (can't seem to find any that are discounted) and whilst searching came across this one :

Creative Soundwave

Seems to get real good reviews......as good as the Bose apparently. But its just over half the price and has a CD player which also plays MP3 CDs. To get even near this spec from Bose would be over £400.

Anyone got one or tried one? Still a lot of money but a lot less difficult to justify - 90% of usage would be as an alarm clock.

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Yep, no DAB but I have a feeling there'll be a DAB version out soon. Their US website has a new product on it which id HD-Radio or something which sounds very similar.

To be honest though I was going to buy a Pure Chronos DAB clock radio but was put off by the likely recpetion quality. All the websites are very very vague about reception.....'you MAY receive this station QUITE well.......' etc.

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