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Respect to the Monaro but having heard both it just hits my spot a little harder than a Monaro. But both pale into insignificance however compared to mine, largely because I own it! and drive it ever day:)

Must get down to a Brighton meet, 2007 resolution that I, for a change, intend to keep! ECLIPSe.gif

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Graeme, the car sounds WICKED.....its the fecking pig ugliness of the thing that I dont like about it. Inside and out. I know I keep saying this, but every time I see one, I cant help think of Cruella DeVil.

I kow what ya mean about your own car though, I just think that is something very special about owning something you love to bits.

Always welcome at the Brighton meet mate, just dont bring anything that looks like a cock, or Jimmy will be all over ya 169144-ok.gif

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