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High pitched whine on start up on b7 s4


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  • 3 weeks later...


Spot on with your responce to flashing the ECU with a new version.

After many discussions with Audi and me providing evidence of the noise they have told me the following:

Audi Technical say that the problem is related to ECU programming and the inlet manifold. Not sure exactly where the manifold gets involved, however glad they are going to do something.

Now just got to wait until they get the disc from Audi Technical.

It makes my blood boil when I pass all the useful help you all give to the dealers and they still will not do anything until Audi Technical get back to them. In this case it took over two weeks. The words yeah right, I smell dung.gif comes to mind.

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They said the same about mine (ECU and inlet manifold) but it did not fix it and they ended up doing another technical bulletin (to do with pulleys) which I told my dealer about in the first place. This bulleting is well documented on here somewhere (maybe even in this thread but I do not have time to look right now). Good luck!

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Audi Technical say that the problem is related to ECU programming and the inlet manifold. Not sure exactly where the manifold gets involved, however glad they are going to do something.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a flap in the inlet manifold that moves to create a turbulent airflow for better torque at low revs, and a clear airflow for better power at high revs.

However, this whine has usually been caused by the pulley problem already mentioned.

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I have allready had this ECU flash but it wasn't for the whining noise. I had some kind of knocking noise on start up, kind of like tapping a metal pipe 3 or 4 times. Dealer sent for the disc for the ECU and explained that this would adjust the metal flaps in the manifold on start up.

I cant remember if it kept them completely closed or open on start up but it solved the problem.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Just as suspected, car went into Audi to get the ECU update. Started the car this morning and problem is still there. On the plus side I think I am getting better mpg.

Just waiting on Stirling Audi to find out what they are going to do next.

Considered changing the car but shocked to only get offered 22K EEK2.GIF Thats 20k depreciation in 6500 miles/2 1/2 years , by my sums that's about £3.50 a mile. It would have been cheaper for me to take a taxi everywhere, at least then I could have a drink beerchug.gif

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