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Recoding AudioPilot for Bose after RNS-E install.


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I have recently added an RNS-E unit to my A3. I have the Bose Sound System. I take it that the unit I bought was not from a Bose car as it still has Gala settings enabled in the menu, and as I understand you should not be using Gala if you have Bose. So:

1. Will my car need any other recoding done to make the Bose work properly or is it just the AudioPilot that needs enabled.

2. I know nothing about Vag-com or what cables to buy from ebay, so could someone give me a quick idiots guide in what cable I need and software to download.

3. Is there anyone near West Lothian that knows what they are doing and has the stuff that may be able to help me out.



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Since you have a completely CAN-based car, you're not going to find what you need on fleaBay. The most cost-effective setup for your car is the Micro-CAN interface:


We've got the codings for the RNS-E pretty well documented here:



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