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It's a fantastic car Biscuits.

Most people overlook it cause of the OTT price tag, and thinking just the same as an S3.

There is no comparison - it is a true drivers car, whereas the S3 wasn't.

I have done a full review - but its in the R32 section. We don't have a R section, as there is only me and Ashleywater on here that own one (soon to be joined by tp27).

Which is another great thing......had mine 8 months and done 10k and not seen another one on the road yet.

That is interesting as the Golf R is as common as muck here - currently there seem to be more on the roads than MkV GTis... I pass at least 3 or 4 every day on the work commute and runaround - many of them having been tweaked a tad by APR. +++

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  • 4 weeks later...
Indeed, lovely Mac, a great car.+++:

I does look very nice, I fear black = more work than you imagine to keep it pucker clean. Hey ho, a minor issue given that the car will deserve such ethic. Nice one.

Brabus, on your M5 are those Swiss badges? If you're in Switzerland don't you get the death penalty for driving a V10? :roflmao

Just limited to 1st gear only.

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Lovely car the corrado, a guy around the corner from me used to have a storm with lovely wheels, avecs maybe?

I'm thinking the suspension has recently been done on yours?

Yup :) Hence why it's a little high. I put new factory shocks and original springs back on. The previous owner had put budget coilovers on which were awful and knocked like hell. Plus i'm not getting any younger and standard cars are worth allot more ;)

The nigh-on dead VR6's are fetching the £2k mark now, mechanically sound & needing the odd bit of paintwork £3k and anything mint, low mileage or concurs fetches £4-6k. Give it another 3-4 years when the last ones are 20 years old and the ropey ones have been split for spares I can see the prices rocketing :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

This is (well, 'was' as it goes this Tuesday...) the 'daily': X5 3.0d 'Sport' with rude-boy wheels that I only ended up with because they were going for a song and I needed tyres... honest!


Was bought mainly to tow this to tracks... but I ended up keeping the M3 on the road anyway...



Stock 3.0 with Supersprint decat and rear box, Bilstein PSS9 suspension, E46 uprated rear top mounts, front AP 4 pots with 330mm discs and Mintex 1155 pads, uprated front ARB with 325 drop links to the wishbones, strut braces front and rear, GT rear wing and front GT lower splitter elements, black powder coated BMW Motorsport road wheels with Bridgestone SO3 tyres, Recaro Apex bucket seats, Sabelt 4-point harnesses, OMP-style dished wheel, rear trim removed.

Proof that it does get used on track:



Proof that it's been a while though... yup, that is dust!


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