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F*ck me, if ever a more dreary car park existed I've not seen it, aside from the pork, not a single remotely interesting car in it!

I've blurred the background on this one for you.

Are you parked in a disabled bay Andy? .

Maybe, don't want anyone parking too close.

My CB M3 parked in the same place, March 2001.

Hmm, picture didn't appear, trying again ...


Edited by Andy_Bangle
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F*ck me, if ever a more dreary car park existed I've not seen it, aside from the pork, not a single remotely interesting car in it!


Wow, that must be an old photo, newest cars are the Y reg Saxo and possibly the V40 parked beside it

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This morning's trip to Porsche Reading did include a walk through the back areas, to get to the compound where there were a few cars in the shapes/colours I'd said I was interested in.  One room we walked through had £10M of cars in it, apparently; I counted two 918s and two CGTs.  Sadly I was dragged straight through and out into the compound. 


On the way back in we popped into an old shed.  It had a range of 80s 911s, three CGTs, two 918s, and a sad-looking shell of a '73 RS.  They could have left me there and I'd still be gazing at them all.

Edited by patently
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This morning's trip to Porsche Reading did include a walk through the back areas, to get to the compound where there were a few cars in the shapes/colours I'd said I was interested in.  One room we walked through had £10M of cars in it, apparently; I counted two 918s and two CGTs.  Sadly I was dragged straight through and out into the compound. 


On the way back in we popped into an old shed.  It had a range of 80s 911s, three CGTs, two 918s, and a sad-looking shell of a '73 RS.  They could have left me there and I'd still be gazing at the all.

Few of my friends cars in there including a gt1 prototype!

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The F355 is a car I am still holding a distant hope of owning one day.  I fear I may have missed the boat from a price perspective and should have done it 6-7 years ago, but you never know.


The F40 is a car I got to drive for about a mile when Reg Vardy had a dealership at Houghton le Spring.  The car belonged to the son of Sir `John Hall (I think, if memory serves me correctly).  It was very much a case of trundling along with a brief prod of the throttle up the incline to the dealership, but the car is on my list purely because of how connected it felt and the sheer raw noise and feel of it.


There are, of course, much better cars, but choosing the 'best' isn't always how these things work, is it?


I also have a soft spot for the Alfa Romeo SZ.

Edited by NewNiceMrMe
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Lol, no it wasn't, really.


Just wondered if you preferred Worrange or McOrange, they look quite similar in a lot of pictures.

It probably OK to say it now as I own a P1 but Worrange was based on volcano orange! ;)

I think it has a tiny more red in it but the difference could simply be down to the light and fact p1 was clean and RS filthy the only time I have seen the two together properly!

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