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  • 2 weeks later...

I will get round to it I promise. Been meaning to knock that one out for a while now, but get so little time these days for that sort of thng.

As you as though, very different cars that attack the road at massive speed, but in a very different way. The rs is a scalpel, sharp and alive as anything and brimming with feel. The m3 is a luxuary muscle car by comparison.

Put it this way, when I had the rocky I hardly drove it. Now I have the bm I hardly drive the rs. Both mAgnificent cars. Only car that could possibly tempt me away from the m3 would be a clk black- but not at that price!

You still loving yours?

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My RS6+, now running at 530 BHP and 844 NM with a sub 4 second 0-60 time and full Milltek racing downpipes and Milltek catback.


Not the ideal 'ring car, but I still had fun. Plan to buy an M3 for the track stuff later in the year, and keep the plus as my everyday.



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