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Clarkson tends to agree with you.

I realise that the hairy-chested among you will be scoffing and tutting and heading straight for this column on the internet so you can speak your mind. You will say “girl’s car” and “gay” and all sorts of other things. Well, that’s fine.
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Clarkson tends to agree with you.

Shall we finish that off properly?

'You waste your money on a Mustang or a Ferrari. The fact is that if you want a sports car, the MX-5 is perfect. Nothing on the road will give you better value. Nothing will give you so much fun. The only reason I’m giving it five stars is because I can’t give it 14.'

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Yeah, I know, we all know. +++

Slightly off topic, have you seen how cheap early MK3s are now ? I think the 2.0 engine is pretty much the Ford Duratec engine and easily squeezed for more go. Sort the suspension and you have a newer, cheaper S2000 :eclipse:

Based on having the Rent4Ring MX-5 for a two day track day at the Ring earlier this year, I can confirm that a well sorted Mk3 is a brilliant track toy +++

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But the Mk3 doesn't have pop ups, so it is, by definition, a bit rubbish.

That's Euro-bollox law that stopped that though - nor does the Mk2.

In fact it winds me up so much that I'm going to Brussells now to complain. Sod their Euro zone problems. Bring back pop-up lights, like on the 944, 928, Mk1 & Mk2 MR2, MX-5 - all that stuff. It'll make millions, I tell you, millions.

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That's Euro-bollox law that stopped that though - nor does the Mk2.

In fact it winds me up so much that I'm going to Brussells now to complain. Sod their Euro zone problems. Bring back pop-up lights, like on the 944, 928, Mk1 & Mk2 MR2, MX-5 - all that stuff. It'll make millions, I tell you, millions.

Can't argue with that.

'Vote Mook: Sensible policies for a better Europe'

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But what about the thousands of people you know who were injured by one?

What? You don't know any either? Any at all?

No I bloody don't. Or anyone that's been affected by a non-uniform piece of fruit or veg.

Well, except TDK, but that wasn't really his fault.

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