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First ride of 2007 ends in disaster


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Well I got up this morning and saw the blue sky and figured I'd take a spin out reagrdless of the cold. On with the thermals and the leathers and she was fired up for the first time since November with a new helping of oil. Forty minutes later I am sat at the roadside after a transit van driver decided "he thought I was going to go" and ploughed into the back of me at an island. One smashed up K6 GSXR, one annoyed but thankfully in the main ok rider and one van driver lucky not to be needing a dentist. Very pissed off and my back is bloody killing me.

That's my second carsh in three years, neither of which were my fault. Starting to seriously wonder if it's worth it anymore.

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Had this happen in my car.... drivers just not looking in front of them and too keen to get going. Sorry to hear the day has ended so badly. I passed my DAS test a month ago today, and too went out today, still a little nervous with eyes in the back of my head. Glad to hear you are generally ok.

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Thanks for the comments guys. He admitted full responsibility and did it in front of the police too so I don't think he stands much chance of backing out. A witness was good enough to stop too so all in all I think it should be ok. Just got back from two hours at A & E as the back and neck ache was starting to get pretty bad. Ended up strapped to a blooming bed getting xrays but there was nothing nasty so I am full of pain killers and having to turn my whole body to look around for a while!!

Still having thoughts of packing it in though. Sometimes I think I might just get something like an early V6 Clio as a fun car to replace the bike but then you ride it and it's just in your blood. I think I'd have another one inside two years if I did actually get rid of her to be honest.

Thanks again for the support 169144-ok.gif

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Just got back from two hours at A & E as the back and neck ache was starting to get pretty bad. Ended up strapped to a blooming bed getting xrays but there was nothing nasty so I am full of pain killers and having to turn my whole body to look around for a while!!

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This'll be a nice £3500 compensation for'ya. Its in the bag already, trust me. 169144-ok.gif

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That's my second carsh in three years, neither of which were my fault. Starting to seriously wonder if it's worth it anymore.

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Very sorry to hear this, glad you're ok(ish). I guees there's not much you can say about getting hit up the a**e........

White van man smashfreakB.gif

BUB beerchug.gif

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Glad you're alright mate...

This exact same accident happened to me in 1998. I was hit from behind at a roundabout. I landed on the bonnet of the car then the silly mare driving slammed the brakes on and I shot off the car, back on to the bike which fell over pinning me to the road.... when it all stopped I was pinned under the bike and the car looking at the sump plug of the car...

Funny thing was when someone pulled the bike off me leg... I leapt up and legged it 50 yards before I knew what I was doing....

The police turned up. She turned on the waterworks and instead of giving her a ticket for careless driving she gave her a lift home.... left me on the roadside with smashed up bike and needing to see a doc about me shoulder...TWAT.

I was fairly unhurt... and rather grateful for decent boots and leathers. I was gutted about the bike...it was a few weeks old and had 600 miles on it (It was a VTR1000)... Next day the pain set in... whiplash city Arizona. I couldnt move...especially my left arm which had a substantial on the clutch when he car hit. I also bit my tongue quite badly (funny now but I was talking like I had a potato in my gob for a week...)

One thing - I had 3rd party insurance so despite the fact she was totally at fault it took 3 months to fix my bike which really pissed me off. I made sure I claimed for everything I could cos I was well narked at the whole thing. Leathers, Boots, Gloves, Helmet, as well as the bike, inconvenience, pain , couple of days off work etc... Think I got about £1500 if I remember rightly which not great but seemed fair enough.... Took ages though.

I was a novice rider then. After that I always made sure a car wasn't close approaching roundabouts and never hang about near one either... they're out to get you !!!

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