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A2 cleaning session


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Got to work on a less than spotless A2 this morning at about 10.15 with John_Carter 169144-ok.gif

Firstly the car was sprayed with a karcher foaming gun containing Megs NXT.

This was left to work whilst the wheels were pressure washed, then cleaned with a brush with NXT.

In between wheels the car was given another covering of foam (4 in total i think 169144-ok.gif)

I lost my clay bar virginity to the A2 this morning. It didn't look bad, but once I started I got carried away and ended up doing pretty much the whole car (apart from the roof EEK2.GIF)

I am a convert notworthy.gif the amount of stuff those clay bars lift is astonishing 169144-ok.gif

We were working against the weather so weren't able to seal or wax, but at least we shifted the majority of dirt and grime from the outside. The windows were polished and Big_Al did a great job on the badges and some detailing on the front air dam, dressing the tyres and a few other bits!! 169144-ok.gifnotworthy.gif .... Not to mention turning up with scooby snacks to keep me and JC going notworthy.gif169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gifnotworthy.gif169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gif

John was hard at work washing and detailing with Quick Detailer as well as cranking up the Porter Cable for some serious polishing on the bonnet to show me how to use it 169144-ok.gif169144-ok.gif .

John and I finally finished at about 3.30pm. And I think Al who was just popping to get some petrol for the S6 (a regular occurance EEK2.GIF) ended up helping for a good 4 hrs jump.gif

So all in all about 15 man hours to blitz a dirty A2 notworthy.gif

Thanks fellas notworthy.gif

I left my camera at home, but JC took some pics and Al as well sekret.gif169144-ok.gifsekret.gif

So the car is almost spotless inside and out 169144-ok.gif

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That looks absolutly spot on. Like the stool also!

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I am famous for my stools! wink.gif

It was an enjoyable day's work; Danksy I am especially impressed by the way you took to claying like a duck to water - you even clayed your number plates yelrotflmao.gif

The car looks great despite the fact we only really did half a job on the outside. I think we were lucky to get as much done as we did considering the day's forecast. ROLLEY~14.GIF I only wish we'd been able to polish all of it and follow that up with some wax - then it would have looked absolutely stunning. Thanks to Big_Al for the all important munchies and for lending a hand too (although I reckon you just wanted to sniff my tyre gel grin.gif) 169144-ok.gif

So when are you bringing the 80 up then Danksy? I reckon the three of us would make light work of it coffee.gif

I gave the S4 a quick going over yesterday too (inbetween rain showers SAUER0421.GIF):





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Excellent work!! You cant under estimate the power of a clay bar and machine polish!!

In these final pics have you applied an LSP?? What will you go for??

Also what polishes did you use??


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No LSP as we were up against the weather and literally moments after those pictures were taken it started raining. The car had only been washed, dried, clayed and given a quick going over with speed detailer. I only had time to use the PC on the bonnet, nearside wing and nearside door but I managed to remove some light hazing and swirls whilst showing Danksy how to use it. One pass with Menzerna IP on an orange Sonus DAS pad followed by Menzerna FP on the green pad was enough for most of it.

Had we had the time and the weather, we would have continued with the polishing and finished off with a coat of Pinnacle Liquid Souveran. Not very durable, but looks superb!

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If you don't mind me asking what do you to dress your tyres and how do you apply it?



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Not a problem 169144-ok.gif

I use Pinnacle 'Black Onix' Tyre Gel, and before that I used the Meguiars Endurance Gel. The Pinnacle is easier to apply and gives better results, but isn't as durable as the Meguiars.

I use a special foam applicator pad to put it on - s8346 on here gave it to me so I don't know where to buy them from, but the normal round ones are nearly as good. After applying the gel I wait for half an hour or so and then wipe the tyres round again, just to take the edge off the shine.

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I have to say the A2 is not looking as clean anymore, but it has done a few miles since then. Hopefully I will get some time to sort it out again at the weekend smile.gif

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I'm sure J_C would love to clean it again if you ask him nicely wink.gif, or bribe him with food tongue.gif

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