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some stupid questions


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I wondered if you could help me out with some daft questions that i have...

1. My bike has a datatool alarm and immobilisor which has a motion sensor - trouble is i keep by bike outside the house and have a cover, but when it gets windy, the cover seems to set the alarm off - any ideas a) where the control box will be, and b) how to adjust the sensitivity?

2. is there any training you can do for carrying a pillion passenger - i dont feel confident enough to take anyone on the back esp at low speeds, and wondered whether this was normal and whether i should get some training or just give it a few weeks to get the feel of the bike

3. Filtering - where do you stand when filtering through the middle of queing traffic if there is a police car in the queue? Are they able to give you a fixed penalty if they have nothing better to do?

4. Parking - where can you park legally - i.e. pavement, NCP car parks, council car parks, etc

5. I have some textile trousers with Knox armour, but wondered how effective the actual fabric is compared with leather in a slide? are you getting protection from the entire garment or just from the armour?

6. Lock and chain - at the moment i just have the HISS system, Datatool alarm and immob and an alarmed disk lock - WOuld you use a lock and chain aswell? If so, how do you carry it around, as i immagine it could be quite dangerous in a backpack if you came off and landed on your back?

i think thats all for now but i'm sure i'll have more questions to come. confused.gif

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1 - don't know!

2 - Not sure if there are any specific course but speak to the IAM about the general courses as they are brilliant.

3 - Not sure of the highway code wording on it but I have past police cars whilst filtering and never had an issue. Just be sensible about it. I hate filtering so tend to go slowly when I do it and I have little sympathy for people who razz through lines of cars 30mph quicker than the cars are going and end up in trouble. Try and stay no more than 10mph quicker than the cars are moving.

4 - Same rules as a car but most car parks have areas set aside for bikes but I often stick it in a space on its own if I can't find anywhere suitable. Also note that most car parks have a little cut through so you don't have to take a ticket and you can park for free. Failing that just ride around the barrier grin.gif

5 - Depends how new they are. Textiles have come a long way in the last 5 years but for pure abrasion resistance then leather will always be better.

6 - I don't bother but I only rie for pleasure so don't leave it in one place for any considerable time. Even if I used it every day i wouldn't bother though - it would be a pain to carry and they nick it anyway if they want it! I use a disc lock though but spend £2 on the rubber thing to remind you it's there!!

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I wondered if you could help me out with some daft questions that i have...

1. My bike has a datatool alarm and immobilisor which has a motion sensor - trouble is i keep by bike outside the house and have a cover, but when it gets windy, the cover seems to set the alarm off - any ideas a) where the control box will be, and b) how to adjust the sensitivity?

2. is there any training you can do for carrying a pillion passenger - i dont feel confident enough to take anyone on the back esp at low speeds, and wondered whether this was normal and whether i should get some training or just give it a few weeks to get the feel of the bike

3. Filtering - where do you stand when filtering through the middle of queing traffic if there is a police car in the queue? Are they able to give you a fixed penalty if they have nothing better to do?

4. Parking - where can you park legally - i.e. pavement, NCP car parks, council car parks, etc

5. I have some textile trousers with Knox armour, but wondered how effective the actual fabric is compared with leather in a slide? are you getting protection from the entire garment or just from the armour?

6. Lock and chain - at the moment i just have the HISS system, Datatool alarm and immob and an alarmed disk lock - WOuld you use a lock and chain aswell? If so, how do you carry it around, as i immagine it could be quite dangerous in a backpack if you came off and landed on your back?

i think thats all for now but i'm sure i'll have more questions to come. confused.gif

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Not stupid questions at all mate....

1. R.T.F.M. - or call data tool = there is a way.

2. Practice.... ride lots.... Go HERE learn more

3. If your speed is inappropriate for the conditions (i.e. 60mph past stationary traffic) you will get a tug.... if you are sensible...., you'll be fine.

4. Park legally... not on pavements.. the main thing is security - ever wonder why you dont see many sports bikes parked about ?

5. Depends on your riding - if you are a nutter... use leather... if you are out for a serious ride - use leather... if you are pottering to work or popping to the off licence for a 6 pack a pack of rizlas... you'll be fine with the fabric&armour if you cut down the odds and ride steady...

6. If you are riding to work and parking in the same place every day - leave the chain around the thing you anchor it to. If you are out for a day out and you are near the bike - dont bother. If you are at a race meeting - bring it, anchor to a mates bike and out the chain through yer helmet too so you dont have to carry it. Be paranoid though - bike theft is an industry in the UK. Get a good ground anchor at home.... and good chain

well done on the test by the way... 169144-ok.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

What he said!!

Don't park on the pavement, you're just asking for trouble. Although if you do and cover up your license plate, a warden cannot (legally) remove the cover to read your license!!

Leather always (heheh) except if ita local journey and you don't drive like you're on a dare...

IAM, plus ask anyone you see who has a pillion, they all started out like you're doing.

Get the best chain you can, Almax seem to be worth every penny.

Oh and well done!!

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