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VAG-COM 702 Beta now avalible


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As Uwe mentioned in another forum, thanks to Craig for finding that one. The issue has been fixed and version 702.1 is now being distributed through the automatic updater and also the beta download page.


Sounds like it's worth staying with 607.3 until 70x becomes a full release.

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FWIW, if nobody reports such issues they would be in the full release too. We've done a lot of testing before the beta got announced but it's quite normal that you can't check everything, so we do need such reports and we are very thankful for them.


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Sounds like it's worth staying with 607.3 until 70x becomes a full release.

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FWIW, if nobody reports such issues they would be in the full release too. We've done a lot of testing before the beta got announced but it's quite normal that you can't check everything, so we do need such reports and we are very thankful for them.


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What makes me say that I will stay with 607.3 is the loss of backwards compatibility due to the firmware upgrade that 702 carries out.

I'd like to be part of the beta program, but I need a working VAG-COM.

If you can sort out the loss of backwards compatibility I'll join the beta program ASAP!!!

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Ah, that's cool. We are trying to complete the documentation of the A6/Q7/A8 control modules, in the meanwhile you may also find the WIKI pages handy (in case you did not found them yet):


BTW: The "lost" backwards compatibility is intentional, we excuse for that but it was necessary. Participating is completely voluntarily and since we don't force people to participate there is no need to excuse. smile.gif

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