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Injector cleaner additive......


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Had my Passat serviced last week and the mechanic told me that when he dropped the oil he suspected it was the wrong type due to it being a bit to thick. He said this would cause performance issues, i.e turbo not spinning up quick enough etc.

He also recommended I buy some decent fuel/injector cleaner additive stuff to give the fuel system a good flush and maybeget rid of some of the carbon build up on the injectors.

Can anyone recommend a good product to use, asked a bloke at work today and he mentioned some stuff called 'Millers Power Plus' or something similar anyway.

Any feedback is appreciated. wink.gif

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Millers isn't really any good for cleaning the injectors, but it does help with power & economy when you use it. It's a fuel treatment rather than a fuel system cleaner.

You need something like Wynns diesel injector cleaner or STP do a product similar. A trip to Halfrauds will relieve you of 6 or 7 quid for a bottle. Don't just dump it in the tank though as it gets way too diluted. You really want to disconnect the hoses from the fuel filter to the head and drop them into a container with your chosen product in it. That way it circulates directly into the injection system. However, there's also the issue of the in tank fuel pump which will run as soon as you turn the key, and it'll pump diesel out of the open ends of the fuel filter, so you'll need to pull the fuse for that to stop it. Probably not a good idea to clamp the hoses as you could damage the pump.

Having said all that, I've used injector cleaner on my old (150k and 180k miles) Berlingo diesels using the above procedure, and it didn't really seem to make any difference, so I'm a little dubious as to the validity of their claims. So really what I'm saying is save your money and invest in some Millers Diesel Plus to dose into the tank every time you fill up. It gives me a few mpg more and makes the engine run a bit quieter. I use it all the time.

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Yeah, probably right smile.gif

Dont get me wrong, i am happy enough. Just changed the oil, oil filter and air filter this morning. You have to expect a bit more noise from an engine with 211,000 on it! Most people who go in car think it sounds like its done less than 100k and goes very well.

MPG seems to have dropped at moment, at a steady 75-85 on motorway it will only average 46mpg, it used to do loads better. I can still get over 50mpg if i take it at 70mph and high 50mpg if i go 60mph in with the lorries. I do regularly drive steady when time allows.

Exhaust smell seems to suggest its over fueling to me, it stinks. But if i have a run and pull up it doesn't smell. I should do what i was gonna do before and try that other engine in, if it knackered swap the injectors over and see if that makes my old engine any better.

I have a feeling one injectors is on its way out, is it worth a bottle of millers? I have always thought it wont make any difference to a well maintained and looked after engine.

Decisions decisions!!!

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