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BOSE retro fit to A4 B7 s line


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Don't bother with Bose, it is a load of old shite!!

The Audi head units have line level outs, so do yourself a favor and get a proper sounds system in there.

I would get a decent 4 channel amp and some rainbow components up front and Rainbow coaxials in the rear, then a Pioneer under seat sub.

Look at around £200 for the amp, £160 for the front speakers and £100 for the rear speakers, the sub will be another £120 and then £150 to fit it all if you don't want to do it yourself.

I have heard the above using a DLS amp and I was stunned at just how good it was, the Bose in comparison sounds shrill and boomy, not nice at all.

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For me the Bose system is far better than the standard setup in the A4, and Other than making up a wiring harness there was no fecking about tring to make stuff fit in the car, as all the mounting point's for the bose amp & speakers is already in the car. If you are able to buy the Bose amp off eBay then the installation costs are not that bad. Below is a link to a quick write-up I did.


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Fitting a regular amp and speakers is just as easy though.

Put a small 2 channel amp in the front and a pair of new speakers up front, along with a powered under seat sub, leave the stock amp to drive the rear speakers and little sub that is already in the back of the car.

You could do this with an £80 amp, £150 speakers and £120 sub and it would be a serious upgrade and dead easy to do.

Well done on the Bose though, nice retrofit. 169144-ok.gif

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cheers gIzzE, I know you could easy fit another system in there, I was just saying that some of the Bose installation is just plug & play like the speaker connections are the same between the standard Audi speakers and the Bose speakers. I think you would also need to recode your radio/nav for Bose, as I'm not sure if the front outputs are enabled if it's not coded for Bose.

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dont bother with retro fitting bose, its not worth it.


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I tend to agree. Don't get me wrong Bose is very good compared to OEM standard stereo and I've had 2 Audi's with it fitted. I certainly wouldn't rip out the Bose and replace it but if I had standard OEM I definately would upgrade to better quality amp / speakers along the lines suggested above.

Good quality aftermarket components would produce better all round system and better value for money.

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So stay with the standard system and fit phatnoise or something like that. I have had 2 A4's with bose and 2 without and i think the clarity is better on bose, but the base is better on the std system. Symphony 2 over the std system i found very good with some tone tweaking.

rns-e over bose is obviously the most expensive option (and the one i have) but sound wise not necesarily the best.

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So stay with the standard system and fit phatnoise or something like that.

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Cannot see the point in phatnoise when I have RNS-E fitted.

I went from a B7 Avant with Bose to a B7 S4 Avant without Bose. I found the sound quality so poor on the standard system, I was happy to pay for the parts to fit bose setup.

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  • 1 year later...
please tell me i have the ampif. it's fit on the original soket? from my old system/???

Anyone who tells you either of those things would not be telling the truth.

The Bose amp is a completely different amp to the normal one - 4 channel plus sub instead of 2 channel, and has a completely different connector.

As well as the amp you need to replace ALL the speakers (the Bose system use 2 ohm speakers instead of 4 ohm ones) and add the microphone used for the AudioPilot system (automatic adjustment of volume and equalisation based on background noise).

That's why retrofitting Bose is not an easy job....

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I am into car audio big time..

super highend systems in the past, and got nearly £30ks worth of car audio gear stashed in the loft to install one day..

My car has the bose system.. and tbh.. its not that bad.. hence I havent bothered installing my gear.

Its no where near on par with my previous system.. but if you just want a cheap simple plug in solution.. bose is defo a good buy.


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  • 4 years later...

Hi there TDI Avant.

I am new to the forum and not really sure how to use it. I would love your help.

I have managed to buy all the BOSE speakers,sub,amp and wiring harness from another A4 2001 model.

I would love to be able to install it myself to save money but i think it is a job beyond me. Is there any way you could suggest some one who you could recomend to do the install that charges a reasonable price, or even if you think there is any way you could advise me in a simplified way on how to go about the install myself?

many thanks mate



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