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*Change of Venue* Brighton Meet 14th April


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Eton Mess and some very contented people



Keith's new car. Awesome colour



Some friends of Jimmy's who helped out on the dance floor


Dave and Jimmy were hard to tell apart, like identical twins


Jimmy decided to give Dave a lift home as didn't want to leave car in the carpark


One for the 'Spotted' section. Think this may have been Mook test driving the new car FIREdevil.gif


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What a cracking meet guys, the location and food was just lurvly smile.gif, and the staff were great 169144-ok.gif

The nightly events were excellent grin.gif loads of dancing, drinking and of course plenty of ladies smile.gifwink.gif

Dan was as usual dapper, Roy was nowhere to be seen apart from being in the middle of everyone on the dancefloor, and Dave showered me with water everytime i over heated grin.gif all in all another good night. I do believe there are more photos to come from Dave and Roy cool.gif



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Guys....gutted not to have made it..... frown.gif

BUT - a huge thank you to everyone for the photos last night and this morning to keep me posted!! yelrotflmao.gifgrin.gif

Looks like a great meet and night out, I'm also a tad pink from car blinging and gardening and some shopping this morning.... sekret.giftongue.gif...watch this space... 169144-ok.gif

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Well finally got a chance to post, as always a great bunch of car nuts at a very nice venue. 169144-ok.gif

Cheers to Dan for being host to Jimmy, Dave and myself, and as always a superb fry up. beerchug.gif

Well on to the evening event:

Some good looking blokes grin.gif


We didn't realise Popeye was coming


Any witty captions welcome


As you can see Lottie was missed


As you can see a great evening was had by all and may there be many more



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Apologies for missing this but after a sleepless night flight from Bangkok I arrived home to discover that my mum (who had been in for a routine operation before I went away) had caught a superbug shocked.gif whilst in hospital and rushed back in for the two weeks whilst I was away.... all is just about well now though but as you can imagine it was a bit of a scare and hence, I had a lot on my mind, (so apologies to Jimmy for not replying to your text)

Hope to definitely make the next one though 169144-ok.gif

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