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2 Questions...


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Ok, happy with the kit I have bought so far but am now going back to basics.

Question 1: I have used the Meg's MF Wash Mitt for a while and it has now come to the end of its life. Got 2 Sonus Der Wunder MF Mitts when I got my PC from Autopia in readiness for this time and think they are a 100 times better than the Megs. What I want to know is should I use these for lower areas and get a Lambswool Mitt for the more visible panels to save on swirls or are the MF Der Wunders ok anyway? Open to ideas on a Scmitt if they are even better too?

Question 2: Grit guards and buckets. Looking at maybe getting some new buckets and quite possibly decided on the Pinnacle ones that Ron has over at Motorgeek. They come in a pack with lids and a grit guard too but you can specifiy which items you want to get rather than stuck with all 3 whether you like it or not! My question is, do I go for a pair of them with the Grit Guard AND the lid or just the buckets alone? Are the grit guards worth the hype and is it worth having a sealable lid also?

Cheers Guys!!!


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Hi Ben

I dont have the lids on mine or the wheels!! If i had a no gravel drive way the wheelie things would be good buy.

The grit guards are great as per the video the other day they work really well. When you have finished washing just type the water away and look at whats left bucket. The Grit Guards stop the girt from being mixed up with the water as well.

If i were you, i would get 2 buckets both with grit guards and then think why you want a lid. I couldent find a reason why i need it!!


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I thought that abou thte lids too and can save about £6 or £7 without them on each bucket! They dont have the option of wheels though, which is fine as I have a hard standing I use opposite the house wihich issloping and is made up of mostly gravel so would be useless anyway!

Looks like I will go for the buckets, but what do you think about the MF Mitts againsdt a Lambswool or Schmitt?

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Opps missed the bit about mitts!! I really like the idea of the Smitt for the wheels + tyres but i dont about the paintwork. I know its great and most of the guys i have read that have used it give it the thumbs up. I will be ordering one soon so i will give it a try and see how it pans out.

I dont think you will notice "more" swirls by using MF over lambswool. Lambs wool cannot be washed out as well as MF, on the other hand they shouldent get so dirty on upper panels.

The lambswool feel nicer and softer but i havent had issues with the MF. I would say give them both a go if you are placing an order somewhere and see what you think!!


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Cheers Guys!

Might well purchase a Schmitt from Ron over at Motorgeek along with one of those Cobra Dusters we talked about and some Pinnacle Buckets with Grit Guards. Think they come out about £17 or so without the lids so well happy with that.

Nice and bright Orangey Red with Pinnacle logo's so should annoy the neighbours even more!

Is it better to get the Yellow/White Schmitt or just go for the double sided white so you can flip it over during use?

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lol - I totally agree!

Would have preferred Wolfgang versions but cant be too picky I guess!?!

Will be getting a pair of those and replacing the dull orange B&Q jobbies that have now seen better days. The handles lasted about 2 washes so very awkward to use now! My excuse anyway and sticking to it!

Why do we look for one small thing and end up getting loads of stuff more!?!

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Can someone explain this grit guard thing to me. Grit goes in the bucket from your mitt, then falls to the bottom of the bucket. It does this because, well, objects such as grit in water, sink. The grit guard sits at teh bottom of your bucket, but how does that make any difference? Surely, as long as you don't rub the bottom of your bucket with your mitt, it doesn't make any difference?

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It's also meant to stop the grit lifting back up off the base of the bucket when you "swish" the mitt around in the bucket. It has four or five blades on the base that form different sections and act a bit like a breakwater on a beach.

At least, that's how I understand it [waits to be corrected]

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Wolfgang do a bag as well!!


Grit Guard system with padded foam seat:


Uh oh, whats that?? Natural sea spounge....here we go again!! ECLIPSe.gif


[/ QUOTE ]

Geoff you git! Now i did not need you to point that one out too. Spotted them a while back but toally forgot about them. Now I know I will end up finding a supplier that can get one in this country. Perfect for the PC and my favourite range of products!

The Pinnacle buckets are sold out until Thursday now too! Should have kept my mouth shut as Ron reckons they have had a rush on them today!!!



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Wolfgang do a bag as well!!


Grit Guard system with padded foam seat:


Uh oh, whats that?? Natural sea spounge....here we go again!! ECLIPSe.gif


[/ QUOTE ]

Geoff you git! Now i did not need you to point that one out too. Spotted them a while back but toally forgot about them. Now I know I will end up finding a supplier that can get one in this country. Perfect for the PC and my favourite range of products!

The Pinnacle buckets are sold out until Thursday now too! Should have kept my mouth shut as Ron reckons they have had a rush on them today!!!



[/ QUOTE ]

Hopefully you will get a little discount!!

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