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And another dropping out, fell over the wall while playing with the dog and broke my wrist crazy.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

That gives me a really funny mental image- sort of being pulled along by a miniature poodle grin.gif

Get the hospital to change the plaster over to a Velcro wrist support after 3-4 weeks and your be okay to drive.

This type of thing would do, just mention it to the clinic and blag one using the 'I must be able to get to work' reason. The NHS round here only give this type of support if requested, they never offer them due to cost 169144-ok.gif

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I'm in two minds about this now confused.gif I REALLY want to come, but my car has been diagnosed as needing a new turbo due to noisy bearings inside. So i'm now mega-paranoid about the turbo breaking up and leaving me with a new engine tongue.gif Probably would never happen but... blush.gif

I'm gonna give her a polish (the car! grin.gif) and have a think...

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I'm in two minds about this now confused.gif I REALLY want to come, but my car has been diagnosed as needing a new turbo due to noisy bearings inside. So i'm now mega-paranoid about the turbo breaking up and leaving me with a new engine tongue.gif Probably would never happen but... blush.gif

I'm gonna give her a polish (the car! grin.gif) and have a think...

[/ QUOTE ]

Can't you just "borrow" a RS4 or an R8 for the day? 169144-ok.gifwink.gif

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It's very much in the balance if I can come across. Unfortunately my wife has had tonsilitis since Thursday. She's just a little bit better today but will have to see how she is in the morning...don't want to leave her with two little 'uns to look after if she's still not good.

Very frustrating - been looking forward to this for a while. frown.gif Fingers crossed though

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Unless I'm mistaken, current list ...

Ari - A4 Cabrio - 2 people

Mook - ahem Scumball VW Scirocco 1.8T-R300 - 2 people

Ritey - Race mini - hopefully

Cupramax - A4 Cabrio - 1

Daz - RS4 Cab - 1 or 2

shark_90 - Golf GTi - 1 or 2 people

Hopsta - 4 wheels a steering wheel - 1 or 2 people

Snail - BMW 325td - 1 or 2 people

LandSpeed - A4 - 1 maybe 2

J_C - S4 saloon - 1 or 2

DigimeisTTer - S3

RedRobin - Red VeeDub GTI - 1

Markpaq - A4 Avant - 1 or 2 (if I've got any money left after the Milltek!

Hamski - 2 (+ 2 young 'uns possibly)

Johnny11 - RS6 - 2 + mini me

les51 - A4 Avant 2.5 Tdi

kite - A4 2.5tdi QS +1 see you all there

Caddy A3 2.0 tdi sport +2 more

NelsonA3Sline - A3 S-line - possibly

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