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Does anyone know any remedies for snoring that actually work.

I have not really tried anything yet (except the spray which didn't work) but it is becoming an issue keeping g/f awake and I need to get something sorted out now.

And would BUPA be likely pay for any treatment?

Any help much appreciated.


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Using a steroidal spray such as Flixonase or Beconase can help if used regularly. It maybe that you are sensitive to dust mites or such which can block your nose.

My brother in law uses the nasal strips and he says they are excellent.

Sometimes surgery is the only option if for some reason you have a narrowing of the air tubes somewhere. I broke my nose playing rugby and have no cartilage on the left hand side of my nose.

If you have tried over the counter remedies then make an appointment to see your GP. He or she may put you in contact with an ENT specialist and they will take things from there.

There is much more awareness nowadays about snoring and how it can affect sleep patterns and quality of life. People within the health service will take the matter seriously and help you the best they can 169144-ok.gif

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Lose weight

Get checked out for dust mite allergy and the like

Quit the tabs & the booze

Use the strips - although a word of not really warning. They can sometimes be a bit odd and can result in a worse night than without - no idea why but I use them and sometimes they are great but at other times they can almost be a shock to the system and upshot CAN be a worse night than without confused.gif

Oh, and quit booze and tabs and lose weight (although I can't give this advice to anyone!!!!) 169144-ok.gif

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Thanks all.

Dont think it is a weight thing as I am a Greek God (or is that Geek Cod grin.gif) and I also think it happens when sleeping on my side.

Anyway, going to try the plasters and go and see the doc.

I only have a very very occasional cigarette and it seems to be as bad when I have had a few beers as without.

Thanks for replies so far


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  • 1 month later...

Just giving this thread a bump.

I went to see the doc and I have got a referral to the ENT bod in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime I have got the nose strips and one of these 'snorer electrocutors'

Basically you snore and it zaps you. I may try wearing it on my todger for a bit of extra fun laugh.gif


Early days.....so I will see if it helps.

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After months of being a walking zombie my friend has been given one of those D pack thingys that stop you snoring (makes him look and sound like Darth Vader). His snoring had got that bad that he couldn't sleep, it wasn't because of the noise but rather he was stopping breathing and the bodies reaction to this is to wake you up immediately.

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After months of being a walking zombie my friend has been given one of those D pack thingys that stop you snoring (makes him look and sound like Darth Vader). His snoring had got that bad that he couldn't sleep, it wasn't because of the noise but rather he was stopping breathing and the bodies reaction to this is to wake you up immediately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isnt that sleep apnea?

Look Here

Xaddiction 169144-ok.gif

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well went to see the ENT specialist today. Had an allergy test and what felt like a telescope shoved up my nose and into my brain..

It seems I am allergic to most inhaled things - but more relevant is cartledge blocking my airways and sinus polyps.....which have to be sorted.

So its a first time for a general anaesthetic and under the surgeons knife for me. I am obviously not worried coffee.gifcoffee.gifcoffee.gifEEK2.GIF

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well went to see the ENT specialist today. Had an allergy test and what felt like a telescope shoved up my nose and into my brain..

It seems I am allergic to most inhaled things - but more relevant is cartledge blocking my airways and sinus polyps.....which have to be sorted.

So its a first time for a general anaesthetic and under the surgeons knife for me. I am obviously not worried coffee.gifcoffee.gifcoffee.gifEEK2.GIF

[/ QUOTE ]

That's why I don't push for the same thing, even though I know I've got a wonky conk and am allergic to dust mite droppings as a minimum - when it comes to hospitals I'm a complete soft dung.gif.

Two stitches and one x-ray is my entire hospital 'career' UHOH7.GIF

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I had an appointment recently with a specialist for the same thing - needed a CAT scan which showed that there were no real physical problems with my sinuses that would cause the problems.

I have lost a bit of weight recently which has helped, but I was recommended to try one of those mouthguard-type things that bring your jaw forward, keeping your airway clear. Anyway I tried it but it was really uncomfortable and made feel like chundering so I've given up on that!!

They have referred me to the local hospital for a sleep study (all under PPP healthcare), which I hope will be set up soon.

I've also been given some new hayfever tablets which have made a big difference.

Funnily enough, I was hoping that it would turn out to be a physical thing, easily remedied by a minor operation, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.

Given that I need to get up at 5am every day, getting a decent nights sleep is important to me, but currently I am often waking up 4,5 or 6 times a night and although I get back to sleep relatively easily it is not really good quality, deep sleep.

I'll let you know what the sleep study concludes (and what is involved)!!!



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I have got to have a CT scan to Sidicks.

Once I have had the op to move the obstructions, I will need to take allergy nasal inhalers to get round the allergy side of things.

I have still got the allergy test thing on my arm and the grass and mould spores are still looking like a mosquito bite, although all the others have all but subsided.

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  • 1 month later...

Update !

Over the last few months I have made a conscious effort to lose some weight, resulting in a reduction of reduction of around 5-6lbs. In practice, I think that the time spent in the gym has resulted in a fat reduction of 10-12lbs accompanied by an increase in muscle of 5-6lbs to give the net figure above!

I had been advised that having a fat neck (i.e. 16.5" collar or above) could be contributing to my sleep problems, and certainly my face / jaw / chin / neck is much slimmer than it was, and recently I have been sleeping much, much better so I am hoping that there is a correlation between the two factors. However, the last 3 weeks I have been away on holiday, rather than at work, so it has not been a 'typical' period for comparison.

My sleep study is taking place on Thursday, so we will see how that goes, but I am not expecting them to find anything particularly unusual and hope that they will just encourage me to lose a bit more weight to see if that improves things further.

I will keep you informed !



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  • 1 month later...

One way that works for me is aromatherapy.

I leave a bottle of Marjoram and Lavender open on the bedside table. Wife loves the smell and now I only snore if I've had a few beers and even then it isn't as bad as before. I get much better night's sleep and everyones happy. Try Boots or any health shop.


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