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Laser eye operations - short sight correction


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Have had a couple of friends do this (one was through the Boots scheme). They always do one eye at a time in case of problems, but both these people have thus far had no problems at all & have excellent all round vision and night driving is no problem. That said I wear contacts (although am only shortsighted in my left eye), and I haven't plucked up the courage yet to have this done!

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My sister in law had hers done a good few years back, she had always worn glasses, she now doesn't need them at all, which is great for her.

i've thought about having mine done but i decided not to, it could go wrong and i don't want to take the chance.

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One of my close relatives is blind and my parents know loads of people at Moorefields and Mum says that none of the surgeons would have it done.

I also know someone who had it done about a year ago by one of the countries ‘top’ surgeons and it went wrong – he now has permanent blured vision.

You only get one set of eyes and it’s horrible watching someone go blind so make sure you can live with the consequences should you need to.

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I was zapped at optimax in leeds late last year. i'm very, very cautious by nature, and although my mum had it done 5 years ago, it took me a long time to work up the courage. I was sick of glasses, getting wet when it rains, getting in the way when playing with my kids etc.... so took the plunge and booked both eyes in.

.. Their independent consultant said he would only do my worst eye, as they other one was too good to be treated, so in that respect I was happy that he'd made a descion that was going to cost them money - made me feel like I had someone who was truely bothered about the best outcome for me.

Anyway, I had the worst eye done 4 weeks later, 2 mins procedure, if that. week later and all well. 3 checkups FOC from optimax over the next few months. The eye that I had done went from short sighted to ever so slightly long sighted, which is a massive improvement.

My only grumble is that now I dont wear glasses, my treated eye is excellent, and my untreated eye isn't as sharp as it used to be when I wore glasses.

Net result is I can live without glasses, but I know I would see a little clearer if I had them on......

On the whole though, a good experience, professional people, nice clean environment, safety first etc, and they are more than happy for you to have one eye done at once at no extra cost etc...

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  • 9 months later...

Laser Eye surgery has been around long enough for people to assess the risks.

I see a lot of people who have had it done and whilst the vast majority are happy, there are exceptions and when it goes wrong it can be spectacular (ignore the pun). I had a patient who was as simple as you get presription, low and uncomplicated, it ended up being a balls up and to make matters worse, he drove for a living.

My advice would be to ask for individual surgeons accuracy and not the creative accounting figs that a company would produce. If the surgeon wont divulge the info walk away.

A good friend of mine is clinical director of one of the UKs leading refractive surgery companies. He also has a law background and sorts out litigation before it hits the press. Oh and he still wears contacts.

Ultimately its your choice. I would never have it done but remember you always sign a disclaimer before the op.

Good Luck 169144-ok.gif

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A month ago I had LASIK with INTRALASE at Optical Express (Bluewater).

I had worn glasses for short sightedness for 22 years and was not embarrassed or bothered about wearing glasses, but the inconvenience of glasses has always made me try contacts, prescription goggles/masks, etc... especially now I have kids that like splashing around in the bath and swimming pool.

For the past few years I had been tempted, but not convinced. A few friends and colleagues had had the procedure done and this HELPED, but didn't convince me that it was long term okay (one friend had the early type done over 10 years ago and is still better than 20:20).

Anyway, the part of the procedure I was not happy with was the "creation of the corneal flap by the surgeon". This part always worried me if the surgeon was having an off day (we all have them and surgeons are no exception), so when I heard of INTRALASE, where a laser (different to the one that does the correction) creates a very accurate tailored flap, I was interested.

Along with WAVEFRONT technology that helps with imperfections in your eyethat cause night haze and my astigmatism, it all adds up to a pretty amount of cash, but money is not an argument when it comes to your eyes.

Ultralase in St Albans was another practice I had a consultation with, but overall I was more comfortable with Optical Express.

The first week the haze is pretty bad, week after week it just improves... and now at month one I have at least equal vision to my glasses. I only have a bit of haze at night from headlights, but like dry contacts... but this will clear as my eyes heal.

At the end of the day, it's TOTALLY personal choice if you have a procedure like this done. A number of friends are now quizzing me to have it done... advice and my experiences can be taken into account, but I just say "the decision HAS to be yours"

All surgery whether for medical reasons or cosmetic reasons carries risks, you just have to weigh up what your prepared to do.


Paul "who said that" Biscuits 169144-ok.gif

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The London Vision Clinic has the best results in the UK. If you have a high degree of myopia they are great (but not cheap £4k).

I had -6.25 in both eyes now have better than 20/20. 20/8 in one eye and 20/16 in the other 9 months on, no haze, dry eyes, night flashes nothing just crystal clear vision.

Bloody hell i should be on commission for that.....


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