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Windsor Meet - Wednesday 30th May 7pm


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<font color="red">30th May 2007 Windsor Park / Virginia Water Album</font> beerchug.gif

Sincere apologies it has taken me so long to get these edited and posted. Bike puncture to fix Thursday night, a preventative mod' to make on the 205, grass desperately needed cutting in the garden, and I was totally knackered after the extended drive home.

Anyway, I hope you like them. Someone please send the link to John and Simon on RS246. Feedback welcome.


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Got one of you coming into the Wheatsheaf car park, but it wasn't the clearest shot. Took 65 shots on Wednesday, hence I couldn't post everything! Seeing as it's you though John.... Not in focus, hence reduced to 640 to cover my shame!



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Did you get the tax sorted? crazy.gif

Applied for mums online on the first day you are allowed to - the 15th of the month. Didn't arrive, so called to chase. DVLA sent out a duplicate. Arrived Friday 25th whilst I was at work. Found it on the doormat when I got home. Bank holiday, hence no post until Tuesday. Sent Tuesday, arrived at parents in post Thursday. Talk about cutting it fine!

Why the DVLA don't let you apply earlier beats me. What if you are on holiday - a driving holiday in Scotland. You'd be screwed!


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I had an '05 320cd M Sport on loan for a few days from the works' car pool, and as I was running late it was simpler to bring that than rush around driving home to swap cars. Oh, and it had four new tyres that needed breaking in. wink.gifECLIPSe.gif

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The ones I got of your CSL seemed to be the best! grin.gif

Ideally I only wanted to post three pages - 27 images like previous months - but I couldn't bear omitting any of the best shots. Image 13 is probably my favourite of the meet, titled 'E46 Swansong'. I stood waiting for you at the front of the car park for a good two or three minutes to can that one. Worked perfectly with not another car in sight.


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