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Can you be allergic to Deep Heat...?


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confused.gif I've not used Deep Heat before and twisted my knee(long story) - anyway after spraying it liberally on my knee it itches like feck, has gone red and is 'hot' to the touch?

confused.gif I've had a shower and washed it all off but its still red, hot and very itchy yelrotflmao.gif

confused.gif What's in that stuff?

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It's got menthol, eucalyptus oil and turpentine in it, IIRC. Washing it won't get rid of it.

If you're allergic to stuff like aspirin or ibuprofen, it's not the stuff to take. I prefer the cream, rather than the spray and use it for my dodgy shoulder.

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I think so. Back in my bike racing days I remember some guys were using Deep Heat cream as pre-race embrocation in preference to the more traditionally used products. Over time people realised that all it really does is give the illusion of warming up the muscles by bringing the blood to the surface (turning the skin red) and diverting it from where it's really needed! So a bit useless really. Others complained of the symptoms you described and stopped using it as a result, so yes you could say that some people just don't get on with it.

I love the smell though tongue.gif

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Yes, you could be allergic to one of the ingredients but it's more likely you are just experiencing the effects of a liberal dose. If you're up for being an experimental animal, put a small amount somewhere else and see if your reaction is so marked.

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crazy.gif left knee has now joined in properly with most peculiar hot/irritated/tingling sensation - currently sitting with a wet, cold tea-towel on each knee 169144-ok.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

If it's as bad, or nearly as bad, as the right knee, then you might well be sensitive to the stuff. Allergic might be an exaggeration but who knows.

Got any antihistamines?

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