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Bump on lip

Calm Chris


  1. 1. Well?

    • Nothing...Ari's lurking
    • A bit, he's drunk, give him a break
    • Quite a bit.......
    • Wey hey, it's a free for all!!!

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Years (and years) ago I went clubbing with a mate in Bath.

Got in to a ruck with some squaddies in a ex underground lav that had been converted to a club sportifs2.gif.

Net result teeth pushed through my lower lip and 11 stitches.

Back to the real world of earlier this week, play fighting with the 14 y.o boy and he managed (he is a black belt) to lump me on the lip.

Result a perfect bump on my lip, about 5mm diameter that is dark coloured from blood, but is under the lip skin.

Now because this is directly over existing scar tissue from the Bath brawl, I have a feeling that it won't just go away.

I have no pain threshold, in as much as I don't feel pain very much (wife often tells me I'm insensitive).

Would it be acceptable to sterilise up a scalpel and cut the bump to allow the blood to clear?

It's akin to having a black mans pinch on my lip, but isn't directly visible until I open my mouth.

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Yes, DIY it and show us the results! grin.gif

Seriously though, only joking! Give it a week or two and the blood should dissipate. If it doesn't, then go to see your GP.

I reckon it will heal itself, but perhaps take a bit longer than normal because of the previous damage. beerchug.gif

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You could do it but the incision should run from the top of the lip to the back of the neck. As such, a scalpel won't do and you'll need one of these:


Seriously though, I'd just leave it alone. No point introducing a site for infection.


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Got hit on the side of my forehead with a hockey ball a few months ago (looked like the elephant man at the time) and still have a slight bump. Doc said there's nothing I can really do about it other than wait. Problem is if you bleed something too early it will just fill up again as the body is trying to give some protection to the damaged area underneath.

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