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Wisdom teeth of non-joy


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Are you having all four out? Local or general?

I had four impacted ones out under general. I was like a hamster for about a week at least, then still very bruised. My whole chest was bruised as well. EEK2.GIFUHOH7.GIF I could not eat for at least a week, apart from mushy soups and stuff. In fact I could not even speak for about 3 days. Take plenty of painkillers if you can, and rest and don't try and speak too much. I found a straw and soup the best bet. 169144-ok.gif

Hope it goes as smoothly as it can! grin.gif

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I was given the option of general anaesthetic, sedation or local. I opted for local because it means I won't have to stop in overnight and because I'm not in the least bit squeamish and being awake doesn't bother me. I'd rather know what they are doing to me too!

I'm only having 2 out, one top and one bottom on the same side. It's only the bottom one that needs to come out (it's growing sideways) but apparently the top one has to come out if you have the bottom one out too. My dentist wouldn't do it as it's too impacted so I'm having it done as an outpatient at the hospital.

The fact that it's my birthday on Friday though puts a dampener on things as I can't have my annual birthday bbq, birthday cake or alcohol mad.gif Oh well, I'll just have to remain 28 for a week or so longer until I can manage normal food again and have stopped the painkillers so I can drink beer coffee.gif

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I had mine one of mine out around 6 weeks ago.

I had a jab and waited 5 mins.

Then I went in with a numb mouth and after 15 mins of eyes shut being tugged around it was all over.

I had no pain during it.

That night I took 2 anadin and I probably had another 10 over the next couple of days. I was amazed the two little tablets took away the (admittedly very mild) pain totally.

The only issue I had was it seemed to take a couple of weeks for the hole to close up so I was worried about food getting in it.

With regards eating after having it pulled out...well I didn't eat for about .... 3 hours wink.gif

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I had all 4 of mine out in december just under local anaesthetic. There were all impacted. Afterwards I had no blood, no swelling. The op was in the morning and I fell asleep when I got home. When I woke up I have never been in agony like it. I have antibiotics in a drinkable form. My mouth was stiff for about 7 days, and on the sixth day my cheeks went yellow with bruising. The wounds were tender for about 10 days. Eating properly within 8 or 9 I would say. I think everyone reacts differently.

Don't understand the bit about both teeth on one side coming out, my sis her 2 bottom ones out, her top ones are still there...

Best of luck, let us know how it goes!


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In a bid to cheer you up a little, i had all four out under general as they were still below the gum and were cut out. I had some swelling to my face for about 5 days, minimal aching - nothing that normal pain killers couldn't sort, eating solid food after a few days and all fine enough after ten days. No real pain at all, and not much bleeding either.!

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Should I be worried? UHOH7.GIF (about a bruised chest?). At least being awake I can tell 'em to get off in a gargled, mumbled fashion!

Thanks for the stories people, a bit like others I've spoken to - some horror stories and some good stories! I've bought some soup anyway for the first couple of days 169144-ok.gif

This time tomorrow it will (hopefully) be all over! coffee.gif

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You're not helping Bazza! fekr.gif

Seriously though, I'm not worried about the actual procedure but more about how I'm going to feel afterwards. Really want to be able to celebrtate my birthday on Friday! beerchug.gif

Thanks for the messages of support anyway 169144-ok.gif

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I had mine done about 20 years ago and it wasn't that bad. A little sore for a couple of days afterwards and a bit of post-op bleeding (but then all four of mine were impacted). I'm sure techniques have improved markedly since then.

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Actually post hospital was fine grin.gif Following day was sore but was back eating just fine within a few days.

One of mine the lass drilled, and it went a bit wrong smashfreakB.gif I remember thinking 'That doesn't feel right. Teeth aren't soft and squishy.'

Cue ambulance and being taken out thru reception gushing blood yelrotflmao.gif I wonder how many clients she lost that afternoon?

Ah, no, er cancel my appointment I have to go clean my nails. Or something.

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Wizzy teeth out is no picnic, to be sure.

My only advice is this...

Gargling & rinsing your mouth with warm salty water after the op is ranker than rank. Not to mention painful at first, and a bit weird feeling.

But do it. A lot. Several times a day for longish spells each time. Not only will it keep your gum-wounds clean, but it'll help them to heal properly & quickly.

They do seem to take quite a long time to heal, longer than you might expect, and salt-water mouth rinsing is unpleasant and a pain, but SO worth it in the end.

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