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blown it!!


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Hello Guys.

Yes blown it!! I am absolutely livid as I have crashed my S8. smashfreakB.gif

It is a 2001Y,Merlin Pearl,Beige Leather, Solar sunroof, Blinds, Bose, 108k with Full Audi history, everything works and car is in mint condition.

Basically I was turning right at a giveway - very bad road with cars coming down hill, round a sharp bend - no car when looked right, left and then right again, then started to turn into road and BANG, car hit me.Must be going 40+ on a 30 road.

The car has a dented driver side rear passenger door/sill.So it is not that bad, however the rear passenger wheel/alloy also smashed into the kerb and possibly affected the suspension as that wheel is bent badly.

The other car was a Fiat Bravo, its front end was all smashed up and the airbags went off.

Thankfully nobody got hurt.

The car is now a total loss but I can buy it back.

So can someone tell how much the car is worth pre-accident - market value etc..

How much is it worth buying the car back for? I think I will be offered £10,000 for the car, or £2700 to buy it back.

So how much can I hope to sell it for if it is a Cat D and repaired?

What about if it is Cat C? Will it need a re-inspection, MOT?

How much will my insurance go up by if I keep the car and it is a Cat D?

I really appreciate your help and co-operation in this matter. beerchug.gif

Many Thanks


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Totally gutted for you mate... Really.. Thats sad news, but good job no one was hurt. I did the same thing back in 1998, pulling out of junction and a BMW came out of nowhere and hit my side. Company car though, so didnt really mind about writing off a 2 month old motor, but I had concussion for 2 weeks... :-(

If you fix it though, definitely keep it - Cat C is difficult to shift as most insurers dont want to insure them, and even Cat D is offputting for a lot of folks - check out this Ebay auction a few weeks back for the idea of the value of a Cat D

(http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270122912899&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:UK:1) Only 66K on the clock, Cat D and reached 5K.

If you can straighten the body, depending on which side the suspension is bent I may have some cheap parts available !

Cant speak for the insurance increased... I would think a total loss claim might have more impact on you than a Cat D recorded?

Anyway, definitely dont leave it for the insurance company... I'd buy it for spares if you dont want it :-)

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Sorry to hear that Niaz; but hold a thought the cars worth £10k and it a write off? Is the space frame a gonner or something? I had a minor prang and my cars worth around the £3.5k ish mark its costing £1800 to fix I believe but not a write off; proly cos theres no structural damage.

Glad to hear your OK though, better it was the rear dorr than the drivers.

I don't know about anybody else but the words Cat C, D or anything put me.. err.. right off when buying a car (pun intended).

Grab the monies and get her repaired if you plan to keep her for a while otherwise start looking through the cassifieds for another. Better still buy it back and strip it like IT_S8 might make a profit; I'll buy the engine and box for a transplant grin.gif

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Hello Guys,

Thanks for the replies.

More bad news......

It is a going to be a Cat C.

I don't think it is major damage on the car, but it will take a long time getting it all fixed up like new.

Should/can I request an engineers report?

The car is in mint condition and was well looked after so I would rather sell the car complete as it is and let someone good do it up rather than break it up.

So I am not sure what to do - whether to buy it back or not, whether to sell it on or do it up.

I will be asking for more money, how much can I realistic hope to get, will it be a few K more or a few hundred, as other comparable cars cost £12k+,(some without all the extras)



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The insurance guys have told me over the phone that it is a Cat C - However I am awaiting for this info. to be confirmed via a letter.

I too am very surprised that it is a Cat C, the damage is what you would call light. I do not think there has been any damage to the frame.

The only issue is regarding the rear passenger wheel as the alloy was smashed onto the kerb and the wheel no longer drives straight (if you know what I mean, it drives like a wheel trim about to fall off). I presume this damage is to the suspension arms/track rods etc. again I do not think it is bad.

I will try to get photos but these were taken on my mobile.

Is CAT C Insurance very expensive?



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Bad bad bad news indeed....

Really feel for you.

In order for the rear wheel to wobble like a trim about to fall off it must be a rotating component thats damaged (axle, hub, flange or wheel). So all your suspension components may be ok (but have a real good look!). My bet is the wheel is bent... Large alloys are not overly strong in any direction they aren't designed to withstand and look at the problems Audi had with RS4/6 wheels with them distorting under normal driving....

If you are even thinking about having it repaired I would get a couple of repairers to take a look at it first and give you quotes.....

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Cat C damaged cars are not anymore expensive to insure in my experience (I have a Cat c 911 993 ) as the car is definately not worth more and if its repaired and passes a mot then its road legal. If you're going to buy it back be prepared to give it away when it comes to getting rid or keep it or do what IT-S8 has done and break it. BTW sorry about whats happened

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Thanks for the advice and support.

I consider myself to be a careful/considerate driving with no points on my licence.

However I feel that if you are honest you become the victim.

The police at the moment are looking at charging me for 'driving without due care and attention' so I could be going to court to face points/fine.

The guys who smashed into me was speeding but according to the traffic police officer on the scene, I was ay fault - he has a witness and camera coverage.

I have now been told by my insurance company that it is my fault and I will have to pay my excess. No problem.

However, I have now spoken to the Traffic Officer about whether I will be going to court- he said he was waiting for video evidence to be checked. However as he now knows the insurance have stated it was my fault, this will now makes a difference as to whether it will to go court.He did not tell me how or which will it will go.

So if it is my fault will this go to court or not. I prseume the third party can now claim whiplash/costs etc.

Any suggestions?



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I'm no lawyer so this is just an opinion

If there was a witness and camera film, the evidence will be there to an extent. However, witnesses forget things, and the camera may not have picked up all the relavent information.

If they think its worth prosecuting, they will take you to court - irrespective of what the insurance company says

My advice - engage a lawyer on your behalf as this could make a big difference to any possible sentence - 10 points and a fine keeps you driving - anything more is bad

I once had an accident with no witnesses. The insurance said 50/50 (which would have killed my no claims). At the time my girlfriends father was a lawyer and he advised I took the other driver to small claims court.

You have to represent yourself in Small claims - the other guys insurance sent a lawyer over and I argued the toss. Upshot was, I won, which meant the claim went my way and my no claims was intact

Given there are witnesses, small claims is not an option, but a lawyer should be able to get you a look at any statements....

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I do have legal protection.

However I will not be pursuing the case any further as I have just phone the traffic officer and he is reccommending that I go on the driver improvement course - instead of going to court.

So this is better news as getting any points for 'driving without due care and attention' would have made a huge difference to the insurance. smashfreakB.gif

The third party have put in the claim for the usual injuries.

So thanks again for the advice.

I can now concentrate on making other decisions like getting the car back etc...

niaz... beerchug.gif

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I think they've included a the quarter panel to be replaced in that as well; from the my body shop people are saying there is only one sekret.gif Ally specialist based in Northampton who can deal with the bonding of that panel. That wheel took some punding as well, they would proly replace that as well and if the 18" sports wheels cost £429+vat at the stealers then the S8 rims cant be too far off that price. Not to mention the rest of the damage and the suspension. 'tis defo repairable though I would have thought just got to replace the door and see if someone can shape that quarter panel; not too difficult so long as there are no slpits in the panel.

BTW the rest of the car looks really clean frown.gif

I know how you feel I was in the process of layering the wax and sealants when my prang happened smashfreakB.gif

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Thanks for the comments and your support.

A you can guess I am totally gutted.

The spare alloy is like new with a newish tyre, so I could use this and get a spare later on.

I can't see why it is a Cat C, and not Cat D? I have asked for the engineers report.

Does the car need to be spot on with the bodywork for it to be passed by DVLA?



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