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S8 Gearbox Oil Change


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I bought my 2002 S8 in December and have been reading all of the historic posts about ATF changes.

I've had a few "funnies" with the gearbox (failure to pick up in 2nd after breaking and a very occasional feeling that the box has disengaged when ending hard acceleration).

Based on all of the advice and having covered 58k miles I persuaded the (reluctant) stealer to replace the ATF and filter etc. When I picked it up it seemed to run fine but after 24 hours I notice an occasional "chirruping" noise when the box changes up from 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd. It's not very loud (a bit like a turbo wastegate warble).

So my questions is, am I paranoid or should I have it checked out again?

They billed me for 10 litre of fluid and a gasket.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have a 2002 S8 that is coming up for it's 80,000 service - cam belt and all that stuff. I would like to get the oil changed in the box as well. All is ok with the box at the moment but I want to do it as a wise precaution. However, it would appear that it is a bit of 'hit and miss' as to who does it, and if they do it correctly. I am getting quite twitchy about asking for it to be done in case they feck the box up! What is my best option?

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