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Audi Driver International October 13th


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Good day out, great to meet up with folks. 169144-ok.gif

JC and Bub, both of your cars were ridiculously clean. grin.gif

The Awards dinner was a blast in the evening, I'm still nursing my hangover. Shark - did you have any luck then??? wink.gif Should we be expecting some discounted exhausts soon??? sekret.gif

Cheers to JC as well for demonstrating to an R32 the performance of the new turtle during his test spin. yelrotflmao.gif Only caught out when the R went straight on and we needed to go right. EEK2.GIFECLIPSe.gif

Robin, really great to meet Amanda, look forward to another female car enthusiast at Brighton meets. 169144-ok.gif And you know she really should get the new TT. She was a natural!! wink.gif

Oh and Mittens, you made me weep with laughter. Too many reasons to post why. lol.giflol.gif

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A superb day out once again, and great to see so many TSNers - what an excellent turn out. smile.gif169144-ok.gif Good to see an Audi UK presence too this year.

My only disappointment was the fact that the concours judging didn't start until the middle of the afternoon - much later than advertised and without much in the way of information. This meant an awful lot of waiting around; I missed virtually all of the track action and I didn't get to spend much time looking at all the cars on show and chatting to people. I wanted to give the TT slalom thing a go this year too. frown.gif

Thanks to everyone who helped out and offered support and encouragement (and cups of tea!) as I started to flag and lose enthusiasm. Bub, I know we don't always appreciate how good our own cars look but if I'd been judging I honestly think I'd have given yours the nod over mine, it really did look stunning. When I went and had a sneaky look at it while your back was turned I quietly resigned myself to third place (at best) behind you and the TT. smirk.gif When I heard the result I was EEK2.GIF.

On the subject of THAT TT, it was uber-clean and seems to win almost everything it enters but I think it should have been docked at least a thousand points for having an 'RS' badge stuck to it. ROLLEY~14.GIFNONO3.GIFsmashfreakB.gif

Shark_90 - sorry I missed out on the track session in your S2, thanks for the offer anyway mate. 169144-ok.gif

Lottie - your new TT is superb. Thanks for the drive; it was great fun and S-Tronic is brilliant. Shame that R32 turned off... grin.gif

Daz - thanks for bringing the banner. 169144-ok.gif

Mgoliver - thanks for letting me play with your fully-loaded A5. More toys than Toys "R" Us!

Figure11 - thanks too for doing your bit with the stand and passes. Sorry I didn't get to meet you.

As well as our own gallery, the organisers have one here, worth keeping an eye on for those present with their cars both on the track and off it.

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My only disappointment was the fact that the concours judging didn't start until the middle of the afternoon - much later than advertised and without much in the way of information. This meant an awful lot of waiting around; I missed virtually all of the track action and I didn't get to spend much time looking at all the cars on show and chatting to people. I wanted to give the TT slalom thing a go this year too. frown.gif

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I'd second that JC 169144-ok.gif

I wanted to have a go a the TT's too but it was 4 O'Clock by the time I had a chance and closed frown.gif I also had to rush a meeting with a KW engineer which had been arranged by Jim @ Star (thanks Jim and well done at the AD awards too! beerchug.gif)

Once again thanks for all the compliments peeps smiley9.gif

Mook, the car has never looked so good (even if I do say so myself) but it did take every evening last week to do blush.gif It did make me laugh when a grumpy old man and his son came over, the miserable old git told me to get a life and drive it!! God knows what he said to that TT owner yelrotflmao.gif

JC I reckon we should put our tool kits in for plating, should get a discount for a jod lot! wink.gif

Here's to next year!!

BUB kissmyrings.thumb.gifbeerchug.gif

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It did make me laugh when a grumpy old man and his son came over, the miserable old git told me to get a life and drive it!!

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I hope you used the line that at least you can drive the car, where he can't do a feckin thing about being so bloody ugly tongue.gif

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It did make me laugh when a grumpy old man and his son came over, the miserable old git told me to get a life and drive it!!

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I hope you used the line that at least you can drive the car, where he can't do a feckin thing about being so bloody ugly tongue.gif

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I told him it did over 600 miles last weekend and to stay off the juice until at least 3 O'Clock! tongue.gif

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