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Milton Keynes Meet - Wednesday 5th September


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Excellent end of summer meet chaps. Welcome to Belchy and Tim, plus a warm welcome back to Mrfirepro.

Just downloaded the photography. Hoping biturbo got a clean shot of the Stratos, for I didn't get a pic of it with the rear clam down.

Will pick the best from my 70 odd shots, edit, resize and post tomorrow.


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Yeah, the provisional plan is to hold MK in October and then skip November (clocks just gone back), January (which would otherwise be Weds 2nd Jan 2008) and March (clocks yet to go forward to BST). In other words revert to every-other-month through the winter just like we did last year.

<font color="#666666">January</font>

<font color="blue">February</font>

<font color="#666666">March</font>

<font color="blue">April</font>

<font color="blue">May</font>

<font color="blue">June</font>

<font color="blue">July</font>

<font color="blue">August</font>

<font color="blue">September</font>

<font color="blue">October</font>

<font color="#666666">November</font>

<font color="blue">December</font>


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Twas a good night. Think there may well be a hole in the ozone layer over MK this morning based on the the number of cylinders and cubic capacity of some of the enignes on offer last night. 22 cylinders and 11 litres between just two of the 8's notworthy.gif Shell have probably seen a spike in V-Power sales in the last 12 hours as well. 169144-ok.gif

Damn, I need more cylinders in the VX. Maybe the 5 cylinder Audi transplant is back on the cards frown.gif

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Oh dear, oh dear ... my disco looks slightly out of place doesnt it yelrotflmao.gif

Next time, I'll have to tow my jetski down with me, to at least give an impression of something that goes fast. grin.gif

(It flippin should go fast too ... it uses £100 worth of fuel every day I go out on it SAUER0421.GIF)

Nice pics Ian 169144-ok.gif

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