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newbie advice on cerberra


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Hi all,

Looking for next mid life crisis and fancy a cerberra.

Budget is 15k. I know there are issues re reliabilty with these but i would greatly appreciate any experts here giving me some advice re engine to go for what i might get for the money what to avoid etc.

Many thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...

I can give you no advice, apart from do it!!! I jumped in feet first last weekend and bought a Cerbera, it's the nuts, I love it...

I took it on with some confidence in it's service history and expected to have to spend a sh1t load on it to bring it back up to standard... It's in to TVR next week for a health check and to fix a couple of electrical bits etc. so watch this space for an update next week...

I've got the 4.2 but if you're looking at true supercar eating performance get the 4.5 there's about 80bhp difference I think!!!

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